this is getting really annoying as it is. I have try HB 1.331 1.332 and 1.333 with several install of wow and still no go.
First time this happens to me, one bot logged out and WoW aswell, but my gather toon is going, and one of my other honorbuddy toons are running.... straaaange "Warden check in progress - please wait 15 minutes before trying again."
Dude! i Freakin' Love you! =D Thanks man it worked like a bitch I was gettin' anoyyed because i didn't know what to do until' now ! Anyone thats having this problem PERSONALLY ide suggest just doing this basically delete the folder. Bam Fixed. Bada bing bada bong!
I think that reg edit stuff is pointless, I just got the message. After a restart it still didnt work so I set my pc date two weeks away from now and it fired right up.
Just delete the whole key, it checks it at startup if it exists. If it does it tries to parse it as a date time and then checks if 15 minutes or more has passed, if so it allows hb to start