Hi everyone, I've got a problem with BGbuddy. First I used it with Mr Gerabuyer to "remove" the honnorcap but after the recent update I got the problem: Could not find vendor: 'Blood Guard Zar'shi[46595]' blacklisting! I tried without the plugin but got the same error Here is the log file View attachment 11-02-2012_00_57 6164 Log.txt Thanks for the help
Hello Tony, Thanks for the answer. The log I posted in my first message was already with Mr Gear deleted. Is there anything else?
try loading a new profile, like Kicks Leveling profile, thats for your level range and use BGBuddy. the only way it can be blacklisted is if the profile dicates it, or if it decides to do it for whatever reason, it didnt look like honorbuddy blacklisted it for a reason, so if you restarted honorbuddy it would of fixed it. are you next to the vender in question? instead of it running across orgrmmar?