I'm having a problem with logging in HB. For the last two days it have been telling my that the Authentication process failed. I've tried downloading the HB software again, and it's still doing it, so I'm almost certian that it's not the problem. Thanks for reading and or replying.
are you sure your key is correct? and that your putting your key in as your username and no password when logging into honorbuddy? have you tried logging into the auth to see if your sessions are still active and to verify your key? Home Page - Buddy Auth Portal
The key is correct. I am putting the key in the correct place. There aren't any active sessions. This is starting to get annoying.
post your log here http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/9859-how-attach-your-hb-log-file-pictures.html
that means that something is blocking your Hb nothing to do with the key probably its your firewall or your antivirus also are you on a limited network or something?
I'm not. Atleast not what I know of? :O Ever since I had this problem with HB, I had a problem with a game called League of Legends. It stopped me from entering games, due to a firewall thing. I didn't connect those dots. Any suggestions how I can fix this?
try a router restart and also check if port 5031 is open in your router also you can add an exception about Hb in you firewall
Sorry for taking your time on this matter Am I doing this via. cmd? or.. And how do I set up an exception?
There we go, I've set up some exception for HB client, and it's working like a charm again! Thanks for helping me both Tony and CodenameG