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  • New to Honorbuddy. Easy ways to farm gold? How is quest botting? Any pro-tips?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by BRFluttershy, Feb 15, 2012.

    1. BRFluttershy

      BRFluttershy New Member

      Feb 13, 2012
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      Purchased Honorbuddy the other day and I must say I absolutely love it. I haven't experimented with much other than the BG buddy which has gotten me more pvp gear than I've ever had before all in a matter of days. I really want to farm up some gold for myself but I don't know any good strategies to farm it up, I have 2 85s a Deakthknight and a Warlock both on Horde on a high pop server. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
    2. shlord

      shlord Member

      Jan 4, 2012
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      well, tbh this is not about been new on honorbuddy, is about been new on wow and dont know how to get gold. i know cuz im there.. in my experience is much server side,

      in my server elementium ore sells really fast as twilight jasmine for a good price, im starting to lv jewerly for prospect those elementium.

      if u want, u can scratch a little more, i found some good tips around

      ie, ill quote another guy that i sent it to my mail xD

      "do everything ie: use your rogue and pickpocket hundreds of lockboxes people need these for the insane achiev, mining,herb,prospecting,making ruby's,elemental shuffle, hunt rare mounts liek posidus ( i got 2 of these ) in space of 1 minute on diff servers.
      embersilk cloth, make embersilk bags.
      If your server is high pop and you want to make gold i strongly reccoemend doing as many diff this as you can, a good start is too go to netherstorm buy pets from vendor and put on AH many people are so noobish not to understand that they are eaily obtained from a vendor.
      when i first started here is was naive and still am at times, dnt stick to same profiles, you have to be dynamic as at the end of the wow economy is just like real life in respect to demand of goods.
      think forward, to next expansion, people will be rolling new toons so will need bags.
      make your own profiles it simple now with plugins like zaprecorder.
      also transmoggy what ever its called is quite big on soem servers so farming low level mats can be extremely profitable.
      tbh i can talk all day about many methods.
      another example 1600 elementium ore 800 obsidium ore makes 100 stormforged shoulders and with an enchanting it will produce roughly 120 heavenly shards.
      so work out cost of mats compared to money made from selling shards.
      but i am a very safe player and i dabble in many things to look like a hardcore player when in fact im sleeping or working whilst me hb and his plugin friends are making me gold.

      good luck
      i have made 220k in 10 days with 3 accounts "
    3. Twelve12

      Twelve12 New Member

      Apr 15, 2011
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      This is how my "system" works.
      Professions you need:
      (Have Mining and Herb on 1 "farm" toon)

      1) Use BG2 to farm Uldum and Twilight Highland for Elementium Ore and herbs.
      2) Prospect all the Elementium Ore and Pyrte Ore.
      3) Use Alchemy to transmute all Carnelian to Inferno Ruby.
      4) Take the other uncut green quality gems (except Zephyrite and Ocean Sapphire, I vendor that shit) and make the respective rings and pendants.
      5) Disenchant all of those rings and pendants for dust, essence, and shards.
      6) Put all your Herbs, Inferno Rubies, Volatiles, and Enchanting mats in the AH.
      7) ???
      8) Profit.
    4. primo

      primo New Member

      Sep 19, 2010
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      or you could use the search button and find like 10,000 threads already of these
    5. zuabros

      zuabros Active Member

      Jan 12, 2011
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      The "easy" zuabros's way:

      1) Level mining
      2) Using gatherbuddy2, and any of my profiles, mine Uldum for elementium, and Hyjal for obsidium.
      3) Sell the ores at the AH. You can put the amount you want (20+ stacks, no problem).
      4) profit

      You need even more money?

      5) Mine borean tundra for cobalt, and outland for Fel Iron / adamantite.

      You need even more money?

      6) Mine Silithus for thorium.

      You need even more money?

      7) Mine felwood for Mithril.

      You need even more money?

      8) Smelt all the above and sell the bars at the AH.

      You need even more money?

      9) Level engineering and use an "electrostactic condenser" or a "zapthrottle mote extractor" to get primals / volatile air while mining.

      You need even more money?

      You are too greedy!! You don't!!!

      As you can see, there is really no need to any other profession other than mining to get real rich.
      Last edited: Feb 16, 2012
    6. JimmyBeam

      JimmyBeam New Member

      Feb 12, 2012
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      good read
      would read again
    7. primo

      primo New Member

      Sep 19, 2010
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      still all depends on your server, cause on my server this aint worth 15G a stack

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