I have a problem im a level 21 Shaman, the bot keeps trying to go to sell to some guy called Sanuye Runetotem and running into areas with mobs over 10 levels higher? How can I stop this?
[13:12:18:421] FindVendorsAutomatically: True open the profile with a text editor press ctrl+f and on search bar type vendors,turn the option to false
Ive done that but cant find any bit in the profile where is says FindVendorsAutomatically : True, I did as you said but there is lots of references to vendors none that state true thou
yes looks like Kick got option only for tain new skills on this profile,so you can actually turn it off on Hb settings turn it off and restart Hb
ive tried that still dont work it's annoying the bot is in southern barrens at level 21 it shouldnt be here, I dont know why it keeps wanting to come here the mobs are 30+
[13:20:50:102] Changed POI to:Type: Sell, Name: Sanuye Runetotem [13:20:50:355] Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Sanuye Runetotem just hearth, sell, and press start