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  • The One CC - Closed Beta Test Application

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by fpsware, Apr 25, 2010.

    1. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I am accepting applications for beta testers for The One CC. This will be a small closed beta test.

      You must include the following information:
      • Class (Class you are capable of testing, Warlock, Mage, Priest etc..)
      • Spec (Feral, Balance etc)
      • PVE and/or PVP
      • Level (or level range eg 70-75)
      • Personal expierence playing this class (eg.. I've played X class from level 1-80 and I've also raided with this class, I've tanked/healed/DPSed).
      • What aspect do you want to test (Eg, I want to test PVP. PVE grinding/leveling. I want to watch it bake cookies)
      • Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test
      You must be able to provide detailed, helpful feedback during this beta testing phase. Comments such as "It brokzors, fix nau kthxbai" won't cut it and will really piss me off.

      I'm not looking for nubs, you must have expierence with WoW and the class(es) you want to test on.

      Paladin and DK do not need testing as these classes will not be initially supported by The One CC.

      EDIT: Added spec and PVP requirements.
      EDIT2: Added more info :)
      Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
    2. FallenAngel

      FallenAngel New Member

      Mar 4, 2010
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      Hell yeah :D

      Priest (80) - Shadow PVP Experience
      Druid (80) - Resto PVP, Resto raiding, Moonkin PVP
      Rogue (80) Mutilate spec PVP, Combat PVP, Combat raiding
      Mage (80) Frost PVP
      Warlock (80) Multiple specs PVP and PVE
    3. Snazzyjdawg

      Snazzyjdawg New Member

      Mar 30, 2010
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      Druid (80) (Raided everything with it, was a previous gladiator have tons of pvp gear)(USE:pVP)
      Hunter (60+)(General knowledge of class played to 50 and botted rest of the way) (USE:MIXED PVP)
      Pally(70+)(General info about class)(USE:MIXED PVP) even though you don't care about him :p

      and a good reason you should choose me is that I'm fairly active member here in chat or via forum and I'm also a 24/7 botter!
      Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
    4. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      PVE or PVP? Instance grinding, raid expierence?
    5. jimgpayne

      jimgpayne New Member

      Mar 21, 2010
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      My main is a 1900 disc/shadow priest, and I decided to start another priest on another realm.

      She is currently 61, if you want to test that level range with priests, let me know ^.^. (Or I can bot my 80 priest too)
      Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
    6. Killaaa38

      Killaaa38 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Priest 80
      Rogue 80
      Hunter 80

      All fully pvp geared and i have a lot of pvp experience on each of those characters.
      No raid experience at all since i don't like it, but i'd be happy to test the pvp features.
    7. xhisanax

      xhisanax New Member

      Feb 26, 2010
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      Well I would be very interested in testing this, both in terms of PvP and PvE. I'm running four levelbots at the moment, and can offer the following test subjects, and a few more upon request.

      A Shadowpriest level 65 - 80 - My third priest but the first one I have botted, got pretty extensive experience in raid healing as holy and disc, also played many a battleground as disc and shadow. This one is running almost all of the time.

      An Enhancement Shaman level - 20-50 - My girlfriend has a Shaman... so I don't really go there, I have played one to 65 before, switching between Enhancement and elemental.

      A variety of Rogues are also at my disposal, if you need testing for a specific level range, I play a lot of PvP with this class, raided up to Ulduar/FoK Nerf. Have leveled 1-80.

      Also have 80s in every class apart from mage for pvp/grind tests.
      Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
    8. Snazzyjdawg

      Snazzyjdawg New Member

      Mar 30, 2010
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      Edited original post!
    9. sykotic

      sykotic New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Currently have a lvl 25 feral druid that is leveling to 80. (pve leveling)

      Also about to start another toon on a fresh server to level to 80. Willing to make it whatever class you need, otherwise it will probably be another druid.

      Not really wishing to do mixed mode at the moment, rather not get too many reports.

      Experience with the class: Raided from release of wotlk on druid, always as feral, tank and dps. Hand leveled from 1 to 80, and have botted two to 80 using your BoD cc.

      Why pick me? Currently using your CC, think its great, I've always got the levelbot's running and am near the pc most of the time to give reports (work in IT, bots are running on servers at work). I can also speak english!

    10. avfarmlol

      avfarmlol New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      mage( 80 has raiding and pvp exp would probably use it more for the honnor grind)
      druid (80 pretty much same as above)
      warrior (67 its been botted all the way but i original had a warrior i leveled to 60 so i know how they work)
      im looking to test all aspects of HB with your CC if you were to choose me
      and i share you dislike for the people that dont put logs up with there complaints if im tested something and it goes wrong ill give the log and as much detailed info as possible
    11. MDurner11

      MDurner11 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      • Hunter
      • Beast Mastery/Survival
      • PVE
      • 20s and up
      • Levelled one from levels 1-73 in Beast Mastery and some Survival. DPSed heroic BC raids when cap was 70 (pre WOTLK). Although my 73 hunter was banned, I know the basic spell rotations for each spec and I have a 19 hunter leveling up via HB (postponed due to lack of effective CC). Also should know that I do have current up to date raiding knowledge via my 80 paladin (Uld25 / ToC 10 geared).
      • Mostly PVE solo grinding. I would like to help the CC become the most efficient and consist as possible. I would also like to see the CC not just going through BGs, but becoming effective in PVP.
      • I have been active in the HB community, I was the main tester of the first hunter CC in HB 1 beta (forgot the guys name deving it, although can look it up in archives if you would like the reference). Gained a small amount of knowledge off CC coding through this (which I would LOVE to add on to through helping you). I am active on a day-to-day basis and easy to contact (literally get push notifications of my Gmail every 15 minutes), and I know how to post a log :p. I am a huge fan of your CCs as well as the concept of ONE CC and would to do my part to help see its success.
      Thanks for taking me into consideration, and I am excited to help you in every way possible in the future :D
      Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
    12. garoboldy

      garoboldy Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Trophy Points:
      -Warlock - Affliction PVE and PVP
      -Priest - Shadow PVP
      -Warrior - Prot PVE, Fury PVE/PVP
      -Rogue - Mutilate PVP/PVE
      -Hunter - Survival PVP , Marksman PVE
      -Shaman - Resto PVE, Elemental PVP

      -Mage - Frost PVE, Arcane PVE

      Experience: I currently play 1 80 of each class weekly for raiding/pvp. I have extensive knowledge of each class shown above from 1-80 as well as 80 pvp. The included spec information is what they always run and will continue to be.
      Aspect Testing: I can provide 1-5 hours of testing per class per week in either PVE or PVP unless otherwise stated above.
      Reasoning: I fixed your rogue class awhile back to properly use all poisons and a few minor PVE grinding issues. You can ask me to test the classes above knowing they will be tested on all aspects as I usually do. I'd also prefer to send feedback in a formated template form for ease of reading and storage (if you plan to create a tickets or use a troubleshooting system for future use).
    13. Princeofdarkness

      Princeofdarkness Member

      Feb 14, 2010
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      Rogue - 80 - Combat/Mut - Glad PVP - PvE grinding too
      Mage - 80 - Frost/Arcane - PVP/PvE
      Warlock - 80 - Affliction/Demo - PvP/PvE
      Paladin - 80 - Ret/Prot - PvP/PvE


      Tons of botting experience with glider and HB. Will know whats wrong with all classes that I have. Been playing for 5 years, and do all pve and pvp grinding.
      Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
    14. rcadams

      rcadams New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      PVP Testing on following toons: Shadow Priest lvl 80, DK Lvl80, Warlock lvl80, Hunter lvl80, Shammy lvl80, Rogue lvl80, Pally lvl80
      New toons lvling up, mage and warrior.

      Why, Cause I'm cool and can do more then bug reports, I can help troubleshoot.

      Anyway if ya need, invite me, otherwise no worries.

      On a site note, this is my 100th post. woot!
      Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
    15. Jon310

      Jon310 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I would be happy to test this out for you.

      I have an 80 of every class.
      Every 80 has multiple specs and sets (pve/pvp) so both can be tested.

      (pally:holy/ret, Shaman:Ele/resto/enh, Rogue:ass/combat, warlock: aflic/destro/demo,Druid:feral, Hunter:Survival/MM/BM, Mage:arcane/fire/frost, priest: Disc/shadow, warrior: prot/fury/arms, Dk: blood/unholy)

      I have raided/pvp'ed extensively on most of the toons. Ive killed lich king on 10m and 25 man, and I'm 3/12 HM 10 man and 4/12 HM 25 man.
      I want to test pvp aspects of the classes the most but can dedicate several supervised 2+ hour sessions for pve per class/spec.

      You should choose me because I'm semi articulate and very literate. I can provide detailed, accurate reports of any issues I experience with any class. I have a very good understanding of honorbuddy. Ive been botting wow for 3 plus years (Glider, Openbot/Innerspace bots, Pirox, anything else I could get my hands on that seemed legit).

      Thanks, Jon
      [edited to add more detail]
      Last edited: Apr 26, 2010
    16. syn3

      syn3 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      So hello everyone

      I would really like to test the Mage CustomClass, this is the class i have the most experience with.

      I played Mage by hand from 1-80 for one time, but this account got banned in the GBuddy banwave.
      Specs, i played them all Frostmage PvP/PvE, Fire PvE, Arcane PvE/PvP, but i would like to test it in PvE, because i like botting characters to 80. I guess some people will test it in PvP, so we can alltogether bring good feedback to fpsware, and he can fix/add more :). I don't know what you exactly mean with levelrange, my guess is botting range? I botted a second Mage from 1-80, back in times with Glider, also I botted a Mage from 62-80 with HB1. I think a Mage is a pretty awesome class, if you play it well, you can do many many things, and PvP is also much fun. My personal experience is PvE Leveling and PvP Battleground/Arena(1,9k rating in 2vs2, not much but still...), i also did some Raiding with Arcane and Fire, but this was limited to Naxx10/25, Obsidian Sanctum 10/25, ToC 10/25, VoA 10/25.
      The aspects i want to test is, leveling, so we/i can give a feedback what is good or not good, and make it looking great, not bottish, and also that it is a fast leveling class. There is no real reason why you should choose me, i'm mostly active in the chat, trying to help users with their questions. It's more Interactive to me. And i also don't know what to post in the forum except error/bug reports to help improving HB/GB and to post Guides, if i know exactly about what i write

      best regards

    17. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i am a mod gimme the CC files now else i am gonna punish you

      :p :p :p

      good luck there fps
    18. Carravanquelo

      Carravanquelo Member

      Apr 2, 2010
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      • Rogue. Later maybe Priest
      • Combat or Assassination, depends on Boss
      • Pure PvE. Currently i'm playing in one of the german top5 guilds
      • Rogue at 80. Priest 5-80
      • currently 11/12 ICC25HM Active player since classic
      • I will test 1. leveling 2. Lazy raider 3. possible DPS-improvements and/or flaws. And of course i want it to bake cookies for me.
      • Why choose me? Well i hate this question... Really, i hate it... Well, your CC will be the first one killing ICC HM stuff. Is that nothing? :)

      Edit: amagad, people are adding so much to theis applications... i also played bc closed and open beta, wotlk open beta und c&c4 beta (but i'm not proud of it)
      Last edited: Apr 26, 2010
    19. dottzor

      dottzor Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Have played since early family and friend beta (altho it wasnt named family and friend back then).
      My main have killed everything there is to kill in this game, but being a pally and not wanting to bot on him leaves me with these alts:

      * Hunter - handleveled to 80, raided everything up to LK HC 25man (have 4 multibox Hunters sitting @ 71)
      * Druid - dito Hunter (can test 70>80)
      * Warlock - dito Hunter (can test 71>80)
      * Mage - Havent done any raiding since TBC
      * Rogue - 5 gladiator titles and Raidexperience up to Anub HC, no PvE experience in ICC (can test 39>80)
      * Shaman - same as hunter + 5 multibox Elemental shamans @ 70ish
      * Priest - no raiding experience outside of multiboxing. (can test 71>80)

      As you can see I have a TON of chars in the 70ish lvlrange due to 5man multiboxing alot.

      Will NOT test any Bg.
      Will test ALOT of Raf leveling and Raf HC running.

      Have been botting since Glider.
      Last edited: Apr 26, 2010
    20. wired420

      wired420 Banned

      Mar 13, 2010
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      I'd be willing to test all supported classes in PVE/PVP. I'll test 4 at a time. I've got every class above 60 and most at 80.

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