UPDATE v3.5 - Marksman and Survival combined into one CC - 3 Marksman rotations, 1 Survival rotation - Configureable GUI Still working on: - Dragon Soul settings -Shaddar
anyone else having dps loss as surv? im doing about 10k less then i do by hand.. i have the exact spec you have selected from EJ
ok that last update seems to be doing better ilvl 385 doing 27k on yorsahj in LFR DS.. the previouse update did only 32k on Madness im normaly in the 40's Edit: i noticed that it does sit at 100% focus alot. and fires cobra at high focus.. when i myself would dump some focus for example... Im at 90% focus and BA is on CD so is EXP.. id fire atleast one arcane if not two before id fire another cobra if there is enough time.. were the CC will just fire cobra to 100% or more then fire arcane or just go right to exp if its up
ok unbuffed what are pulling on the dummys? on the dummies i notice alot of full focus cobra shots im 2pc t13 could that be effecting it since i get double the focus?
Unbuffed on 85 HC dummies i do 19-20k. And no, you shouldnt be getting focus capped. When you go above 62 focus, and explosive shot is on cooldown, serpent sting and black arrow is at the target it uses Arcane Shot as focus dump. However, I don't have 2 pieces of T13.
Yeah, Ive already noticed that i used an old ultra code, instead of the working, updated one! Servers are down, so I cant do anything about that atm!
Thank you all for reporting this, but as i mentioned above i'm aware of the problem Give me 5 minutes, and i'll upload an update. I just woke up.
Nice update, spotted some bugs already but I'm definetly going to start editing this for my personal use again, so thanks for the hard work You should take a look at your IsTargetBoss code, It's basically using higher level conditions for anything but raid and lower level for raids, if it even works. I'm not sure, but I think Code: if (UnitLevel == "-1") actually does anything, I haven't tested so I can't be sure, but maybe it's worth looking into. Also the new castspell method Code: if (SpellManager.CanCast(spellName, target) && !SpellManager.GlobalCooldown && !Me.IsCasting) Again, haven't tested yet, but I fear adding the condititions !SpellManager.GlobalCooldown && !Me.IsCasting will slow down how fast it casts the next spell, even if it does stop it from spamming as much. Oh and I'm a little curious as to why you use the "is not" instead of just "is" with the spec condition Code: !MarksmanSettings.Instance.MMSPEC instead of Code: MarksmanSettings.Instance.SSPEC Another thing, when you cast chimera shot, you log it as serpent sting Code: if(CastSpell("Chimera Shot")) { Logging.Write(Color.Aqua, ">> Serpent Sting <<"); Oh and the TabIndexes in the GUI Designer are completely random, but I guess that doesn't really matter Last thing, I suspect your mend pet will be spammed because there's nothing to check if the buff is still active so here's what I used for that. Code: public bool PetHasBuff(string name) { try { var lua = string.Format("local x=UnitBuff('pet', \"{0}\"); if x==nil then return 0 else return 1 end", Lua.Escape(name)); return Lua.GetReturnValues(lua)[0] == "1"; } catch { slog("Lua failed in PetHasBuff"); return false; } } But yeah, thanks for the update!
Thanks for the feedback! What got me the most here was the castspell method and mend pet. I cannot use lua for mend pet, so i'll have to work something else out. I'll take a look at both of these right away! (ps, the tabs really doesnt matter) - shaddar. Edit: very good pointers here mate! rewritten the IsTargetBoss() code, removed the lua from it. Code: private bool IsTargetBoss() { using (new FrameLock()) { if (Me.CurrentTarget.CreatureRank == WoWUnitClassificationType.WorldBoss || (Me.CurrentTarget.Level >= 85 && Me.CurrentTarget.Elite) && Me.CurrentTarget.MaxHealth > 3500000) return true; else return false; } } currently working on the mend pet code. Once ive written all the dragon soul codes, i'll post an update along with a new mend pet code, IsTargetBoss code, removed !IsCasting from the Spellcast Method. Anyway! I hope you guys like the broad choice of rotations. I noticed that everyone seems to be doing different rotations which is why i made the CC as i did. I apologize for the minor errors, been working on this 10+ hours a day the last couple of days trying to eliminate all errors! but hey, i'm only human!
If you want I can post all the improvements I've made here with explanations. You might find some of it useful Anyway I'm off to school now...
We look at every suggestion/idea/improvement being written here on the forum. Everyone is allowed to post anything they want thats on topic. No that does not include destructive criticism! Feedback is great, thats how we learn to make the CC even better. Try to avoid LUA code suggestions though!
Its not that i cant, im trying to avoid it. As CodenameG said, its like putting Thread.Sleep() in your CC's. it severely slows down the speed of things.