I've updated the OP and SVN with the latest version of MutaRaidBT. The code has been completely restructured to use as few Lua calls as possible and FrameLock has been re-enabled on the Raid Bot. Long story short the CC should run much much faster now.
Yea, it should, but I the max DPS I can get with my ilvl 381 Rogue is 10k... seems to be pretty fucking shitty. There ain't any errors, HB's running fine with other CC's and Botbases, so I don't think it's HB related, since there also ain't any Errors or stuff. PS: I'm using a 31/2/8 Spec..
There must be something wrong with your setup/hb/client because I'm running the latest version from the SVN and doing about 17k dps on the training dummy in 372 gear and through dragon soul probably an average of 30-35k every fight. The final fight in dragon soul ended with 57k on recount. Is your client english? What does your log look like? (if you could attach a log file that would be great) What happens in combat? Does the game freeze/lag? Or does the bot just not do anything when it should be?
Fifty, just like your paladin CC.. i decided to level a rogue purely because of your PvE coding skills. PLEASE GOD PLEASE do not stop supporting this CC like you did with your pally No dissapearing acts K! im currently 65 hopefully 85 within the week..... I KEEL U
Pooling to 90 before casting envenom allows one to cast more mutilates during the envenom buff, meaning more poison procs and as a consequence, higher dps. It also results in spare energy being available when an interrupt or any other ability is required to be used instantly. You can find more information on ElitistJerks in the assassination thread if you're interested.
I keep getting "Ability is not ready yet" and "Not enough energy" in red error text at the top of the screen constantly. Like im pulling OKAY dps but i mean.. obviously the bots trying to use moves when theres not enough energy or on cd lol
That is most likely because the botbase you are using are spamming the buttons before their GCD, is it working besides that?
The CC will spam abilities in certain cases. For example, when envenom is up mutilate needs to be used ASAP, or when rupture is about to fall (sometimes you will get error spam because the current rupture is higher rank than the amount of CPs you have, this is fine and to be expected.) It does this because WoW has an ability queue that compensates for latency, so by spamming we can ensure the ability is added to the queue and cast instantly. This is how a normal player would play. Occasionally CDs will not be used against mobs that aren't flagged as bosses by Blizzard, for example anything on the final fight in Dragon Soul. If that happens you simply need to pop the cooldowns yourself. Make sure you're using the English WoW client, fresh install of HB, etc. If you want any further support I really need a log that I can look at.
I am just spitballing here and I haven't checked your boss detection (but you could also add a health condition or the names on them, so they will be seen as bosses Simply referring to vanish + garrotte
I love this cc, may favorite out of all the classes. I turn off cooldowns for raiding though. It also makes an epic pvp bot with a few changes. Can you give me any advise on how to add a target debuff deadly poison check to envenom?
Can I say sumtin,. just got 19k off a training dummy, unbuffed.. But, why does it not use Cold Blood or Vendetta? That would be awsome if it did, since it is crucial for us i.m.o. Otherwise, BIG UP! // M
This is untested, but UnitHasAura(Me.CurrentTarget, Me.Guid, "Deadly Posion") should return true if the target has the debuff from you, otherwise false. It should do -- make sure you're fighting the raider dummy. The CC has automatic boss detection and only uses cooldowns on boss-type mobs. If you are fighting the raider dummy, give it time. Cold blood will only be cast before a 5 cp envenom and when your energy isn't high enough to result in being energy capped. Vendetta will only be cast when the rotation has started properly, e.g. you have snd, rupture, etc. Thanks for the feedback!
I've pushed a new version to the SVN, which fixes a minor bug which could occur when your focus target dies mid-combat, and another which caused the CC to try and reapply rupture too early. I've also added a very early, alpha version of an Arms raiding CC I've been working on. Look out for further updated to this CC in the near future, including combat and (possibly) sub raiding support.