My irls have known for quite a while that i have botted, like a month ago they bought hb themselfs. Told em to read up some, and dont bot to long etc, but they are quite retarded, and just bots on strange times, long periods etc, bad profiles. So, 1 of my mates got perm banned, I was on same ip, like 3-4 days ago when we had a lan @ him, together with like 3 others. I was kind enough to call in to blizz and solve his perm to a 72h + final warning (for payment ofc ^^) But since i was logged on same ip, i got quite scared, and havnt botted since his ban, thinking my account maybe got flagged or something. Ive been botting for quite a while, botted up like 6-7 85's, never got detected, always sit at the computer, watching movies etc, using proper profiles and never bot for more than 5-6 hours, using codenames for "bot" in the ingame chat. (sorry for bad english btw) Shall i be scared?
Indeed u should saty low and botting for long periods has nothing to say in my opinion as long as u DON'T USE PUBLIC PROFILES!!!
Aslong as your not farming. You should be fine. Questing never really get's you banned and nor does PvP nowa days. Just watch your bot.
That may be true for farmers. But it's deff not for people who only BGbot and Quest. All my roommate use's the bot for is honor and leveling his toons. He just buy's gold off me.