I bought honorbuddy and it won't let me log in to use the product, even though I bought it. I'm kind of pissed off, because it won't work >.> it says to log in with my forum username or product key, and my buddy shop PW or no password if i have the product key. I tried to log in in evry possible way ._____. it will not let me log in. PLease can someone help me
I tried that and nothing happened -___________- I got a order # from billing-support@g2s.com but that's it. I really don't udnerstand what's going on.
if you havent, register here with the e-mail you used to buy your key, Home Page - Buddy Auth Portal and from there you should be able to see your Keys, and Sessions. grab the key from there and use that as your username with no password when logging into Honorbuddy.exe