I know I'm not the only person encountering problems with this. No matter what Custom class profile I choose for questing, Soul harvest and Health funnel always get interrupted by walking and it continues to try activate the spell once its off cooldown. So 24/7 it soulharvests on cooldown and interrupts it immediately after, as if it didn't recognize its a channeling spell. It constantly dismounts to soulharvest when cooldown is up as well. I've read acouple recent post about it also, it seems like people just deal with it but I feel like this can draw lots of attention to a botter.. Almost making it blatantly obvious I would say. For the future of Warlock botters, this problem needs attention. I haven't seen a fix for it, if anyone has please let me know.
[2:19:48 PM:111] [ForcedDismount-v217(debug) @line 3419]: Dismounting [2:19:48 PM:111] Stop and dismount... [2:19:49 PM:385] [Singular] Casting Soul Harvest on Myself [2:19:49 PM:389] Spell_C::CastSpell(79268, 0, 0x5000000053BE88C, 0) [919] [2:19:50 PM:317] Goal: Interacting with [2:19:50 PM:417] [InteractWith-v217(debug) @line 3422]: Cage [2:19:50 PM:514] Activity: Moving to interact with "Cage" It never stops to channel soulharvest. it continually activates it and walks dis-activating it.