When running BG Buddy WoW is randomly crashing. I've repaired wow, deleted cache/wtf files, reinstalled HonorBuddy, updated profiles, disabled all plug-ins. Nothing is helping the situation Here is the crash report and the HB log
Honestly, not 100% sure. Glue was supposed to be off but apparently not. Is there a version that is bugged and one thats more recent and is not?
http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...oaded-stick-your-targets-like-glue-melee.html Download the newest version and try again, hopefully it works.
thanks, i'll try it and let you know... but i know for a fact earlier this morning that glue was not on and it still crashed a couple times. so , i'm thinking that it's soemthing else but ill give this a try