Hey, I farm a lot of herbs/ore and was wondering if there was a way to have a bot cod them all to my private buyers so i dont have to do it manually? Thanks for the help
Would be easy to make, just look at some scripts on how to mail, then get it to change the mail time from cash to CoD.
It's not just as simple as that if you want it to be secure (always calculate the correct CoD price) as you can see in the CoD sample profile I've linked in my blog.
Last I checked PB allowed C# to be executed.... Code: BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new File("D:\hb\prices.txt")); String currentLine; while((currentLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { String buyer = currentLine.split("|")[0]; int quantity = Integer.Parse(currentLine.split("|")[1]); int price = Integer.Parse(currentLine.split("|")[2]); WoWObject ore = new WoWObject('oreId'); while(quantity > 20) { ore.useStack(); quantity -= 20; } for(int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { ore.useSingle(); //use one of the stack } CodTextbox = Interger.Parse(currentLine.split("|")[1]) * price; Done, calculated it. Also, I use to code the RsBuddy API, so that above code is half java, half C#, four tenths WoW, four tenths RS, two tenths me making shit up because I've been awake for 70 something hours of coke....
That def. doesn't look like complete code. I don't know of rsbuddy though - but from a quick google search it doesn't seem to have anything to do with HB?