[22:41:52:905] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped [22:41:53:935] Session is invalid! ether you lost connection to the internet or someone tried logging on with your key and bumped you off.
oh ok i'll try Tony and codenameG is there any chance keys could be renewed? or do i need to buy a new session if this is the case?
if it keeps happening and your sure its not your ISP, then send a mail to support@thebuddyforum.com with your old key and request a new one.
I also have this same problem, but the wierd part is that i have already put HB as an exeption in the firewall (and ive got no other anti-virus programs disturbing either) and my internet works really smooth (like browsing internet sites and so on), i just have a problem with session is invalid thing with HB which makes it almost impossible for me to run bot overnight. Any thoughts of what might cause this?