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  • Honor Buddy? Seriously?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by OmniRed, Mar 30, 2012.

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    1. praggers

      praggers New Member

      Feb 20, 2010
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      i think you just a ungreatful prick! i have used many bots this is far the easiest to use and most player like i would say. nothing wrong with the bot but yea there is always room for improvement, nothing wrong with my cock but everyone would like a couple more inches right ?
    2. Hawkiz

      Hawkiz Banned

      Feb 1, 2012
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      if u dont like it.. dont use it..?
    3. Altoids

      Altoids New Member

      Jul 21, 2011
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      Why is it that when some people bring up valid points that others have to become a 'fan boy' and attack the poster? Months have passed and this sadly hasn't changed. I saw posts (and also posted myself) for changes to the original Bg Bot only to have people say that all the arguments were irrelevant because they had taken 10 different bots and had them all at max iLvl gear without being banned. I said more than once that it doesn't matter if someone took 500 toons and ran them all for 2 months without getting banned - what it comes down to is one simple question: DO THEY LOOK HUMAN OR LIKE BOTS?

      That is what DaSoul was pointing out (and I pointed out months ago with the previous Bg Bot). 99% of human players do NOT take jerky turns greater than 30-40 degrees and most definitely not greater than 90% - and yet the bot does this routinely. When I play manually, I do not run along a bridge where I am literally one small step away from a fatal fall. I always run a few steps away just to be sure. The bot still needs to not turn so jerky - if it can calculate when it can turn 135 degrees safely, it can do the same with a rounded turn, it just takes more math - but computer driven bots can do the math if they're programmed to do it. The same thing when it comes to running 'too efficiently', literally one small step from a fall. The bot should be programmed to run things a 'little less then perfect'.

      Please don't get me wrong. I felt that the bot is GREAT before and that hasn't changed - but shouldn't the goal be to make the bots very difficult to spot because they act so human? If that's the goal, then take the things that make them easy to spot and one by one, eliminate them.

      And in the meantime... people, if someone points out something that isn't working perfectly, don't flame them if they are just giving a respectful opinion. They are entitled to their opinion and don't deserve to be flamed for trying to make HB a better bot, k?

      Just my own .02

      PS. From what I have seen, BG Buddy is MUCH better than BgBot was... THANK YOU!
    4. gilette

      gilette New Member

      Aug 31, 2011
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      I actually observed my bot while watching movies and in AB, there was literally people asking "Hey, anyone else human here than me?" and we got like 3-5 guys. Ofcourse I stoped my movie and started to help them guys out, but 3-4 against 7 bots is not nice.. yet, I managed to yell at the people to take out the healers :)
    5. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      keep it civil plz
    6. naturington

      naturington New Member

      Jan 23, 2011
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      Well considering my bots leveled 2 characters from 80-85 in just bgs id say its pretty good. Not to mention the 50k+ honor on each character farmed strictly from hb. I would also like to add another 50k+ on 2 other characters accounting for 200k+ honor with zero bans. WELL worth the money spent.
    7. b4ldur

      b4ldur Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Glider begs to differ! Where do you think hawker and bossland met?
    8. Giwin

      Giwin Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 3, 2011
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      we all know that they're issues in HB when it comes to BGBuddy

      good news is that they know about it and are working on a new system for BGBuddy
    9. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Try fpsware's cc's. He's re-writing them so that you can set a priority list for your toon to cast what you want it to. This should fix most of your cc-related issues

      BG Bot: It gets updates all of the time, but we can't make everyone happy

      Questing: I have tested every class / race combo questing (dps / tank) and they all work fine with Singular. Minor snags in the 10-15 lvl range, but after that... no issues at all
      PvP: Same as Questing - it does fine. Granted I do other stuff while it plays ... but I suggest you put on a message plugin and then go and do something productive with your time instead of watch your bot
      As far as classes not getting love? All of singular was just re-written. Every single class.
      Same goes with fpsware's cc's.

      As for this thread - it's closed due to a trolling / flame fest from various users.
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