does this CC cause anyone to Lagg really bad. I usually use Deathstrike running Lazyraider and no lagg at all. Is this a common problem??
Hello to everyone and congratulations on your work on Mutaraid fiftypence. Odie, i was facing an intense small freeze up problem with Mutaraid 4.1a and upwards. I solved this issue by setting the Wow.exe process in Above Normal priority and the Honorbuddy process in Below Normal priority, through the task manager. Let me know if you had any luck with that. I noticed as well, that in certain cases, utilizing Raidbot instead of Lazyraider, along with Mutaraid, resulted in a major dps increase and a flawless rotation. BR
Testing on Training Dummy - 10mil dmg i397 geared / COMBAT Spec test MutaRaid 25410 DPS - Manual CDs (settings to Raid Mode, Disable Movement, Never for CDs) CLU 24470 DPS - Manual CDs Really Nice, Was wondering for your interruption/kick. does it only kick spells it can kick or is like Shaddars style were it just kicks anything. I prefer CLU style for kicks only try to kick interruptable spells. Did DS10 Normal, Works pretty good overall, no lag for me. As for hitting feint manually it wasnt that hard. just had to spam it a few secs before taking a stomp etc. Shaddars CC i had problems trying to hit feint as it spammed its abilities a little too much. Keep up the good work and thanks for this CC.
odie & belerefontis, thanks for the feedback. If you guys do notice any lag it is due to the amount of processing MutaRaidBT does to carry out a perfect rotation. Obviously that is a vast oversimplification of things, but in this case it is the easiest way to explain it. Unfortunately my PC is very powerful so I don't notice any framerate hiccups but I do understand that some users might encounter such a problem. Unfortunately there is no real way to fix this without decreasing the overall CC performance. Thank you very much for the feedback! It uses kick in PvP/Levelling but doesn't use it while raiding. This is a design decision to ensure that the player always has kick available when it is needed.
trix is super slow now and also if i prepot stealth i should manually do shadowstep then ambush but the cc does it and i ambush doesnt go off not sure why
Define super slow -- the change I made ensured that tricks wouldn't be cast above 60 energy in sub/combat or 90 energy in assassination, thus ensuring that a) the player doesn't energy cap with T13P2 and b) the rotation doesn't get "stuck." Personally I haven't experienced the stuck rotation issue but I implemented the energy restriction just in case. This is one of those cases where a log would be ideal, so if you have one could you upload it for me? Cheers. You're correct about subtlety, I had a quick look over the code and I forgot to implement ambush when stealthed before a fight. Right now if you get in combat before you open the bot will just auto-attack out of stealth. Will be fixed in the next version. Cheers for the feedback!
I did a LFR test with your CC, but whatever i do it wont backstab. I toggled the behind to 'true' about a zillion times. Deleted all my plugins. Tried it with different bots. A complete wipe of hb and a fresh install. Nothing has worked so far. Otherwise it's a beast CC. Love it. Goodjob on this one.
Hey, thanks for the feedback! What spec were you trying this with? If possible could you attach your log to your forum post as well please? Cheers.
Looks like you don't have the haemorrhage glyph. MutaRaidBT automatically tries to apply the haemorrhage bleed debuff, and unfortunately since you don't have the glyph it is unable to do so -- thus leading to a loop which means that backstab will never be used. Grab the glyph and give it another try. Let me know how you get on!
A bit late - but here's the log regarding cheap shot - quest turnin. First event is bout 3:28:12 in log, if memory serves me
Hey, firstly thanks for the log. I had an in depth look at your log and I can see where the issue occurs. It only seems to happen when the botbase is trying to turn in a quest and runs into a mob on the way. I think this is happening because, when you cheap shot a mob, it doesn't actually target you until the cheap shot expires, so similarly to issue one might encounter when the player is in combat with a bunch of mobs nearby who are attacking nearby friendly units, the bot just stands there / goes on its way and ignores the fighting. It then turns around the finish the job once cheap shot expires and the mob targets the player. I don't know if it possible for me to implement a fix for this within MutaRaidBT as it is ultimately a botbase issue that has plagued HB for a long time. Nevertheless I'll look into it and see if I can come up with a way.
Playing PVP, and After a while it starts to spam recuperate. And when it does it dosent sign up or do anything else. In the log, its in the end of it. if this wouldnt happen, this bot would've gotten 9/10, not 10 cause it sometimes goes into the wall, but often fixes itself. =) View attachment 2012-04-06_12_02 3940 Log.txt
Whenever I get an opportunity to fix it. I've been really busy with other projects / IRL lately so haven't had much time to dedicate to this CC. Temporary fix is for you to use the combat control centre and disable combat during the pull. Hey, thanks for the bug report! I have had a look at your log and I can see there is definitely an issue there. For some reason, even though you do have enough raw combo points prior to using recuperate, for whatever reason it isn't casting. Possibly because the player you had those two combo points on may have left the BG or went out of range. I'll have to do a few tests and see if I can replicate the issue. Thanks again for the log.
Is it at all possible to force the CC to use backstab even when the hemo glyph is not active?(read previous posts). As using the glyph is a dps lose when using 4 piece tier 13. Thanks in advance
Edit \Composites\Context\Raid\Subtlety.cs and remove the first mention of hemorrhage you find. In the future I will implement glyph detection so this problem won't occur.
I didn't write it clear enough, what i meant is. I want it to use it's normal cycle without having to have the hemo glyph. Previously it stayed in a loop when not using the glyph, now i removed' Helpers.Spells.Cast("Hemorrhage", ret => Helpers.Spells.GetAuraTimeLeft(StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget, 89775) < 3),' (first mention of hemo), but now it doesnt use hemo at all. Also(for future updates), is it possible to let the CC use tricks bevore it goes into shadowdance.?