A Jump ?n? Shot Marksmanship CustomClass WoW Version supported : 4.3 Latest ZeHunter Version : 0.4 [Introduction] ZeHunter is a PvP CustomClass for marksmanship hunters already 85 capped who want to roxx in battlegrounds. This CC implements a wide kiting movements based on the jump and shot technique. It also implements pet skills, racial abilities, trinkets and engineering enchantments. You can watch this CustomClass in action here: ZeHunter : A new Hunter PvP CustomClass for HonorBuddy - YouTube [Spec] This CustomClass is based on the marksmanship spec. I recommend the following spec and glyphs for hunters (4.3.3): Link of this spec : Talent Calculator - Game Guide - World of Warcraft To use full features included in this CustomClass, you must use the spider pet. Here is the build for the pet spec : Link of this spec : Pet Calculator - Game Guide - World of Warcraft [Installation] You can use the SVN link (with Tortoise) to be sure you get the latest version or use the HTTP link to download the plugin directly. When downloaded, you just have to extract the archive in the /CustomClasses folder. SVN : https://zenlulzdev.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/HonorBuddy/CustomClasses/zeHunter/ HTTPS : https://zenlulzdev.googlecode.com/svn/tags/HonorBuddy/CustomClasses/zeHunter/ An embedded update system is also implemented in the CC. [Support] You can report bugs in this topic. Keep in mind this is a beta version, in spite of it should support BGbuddy. [Motivation] I spent a plenty of time to develop and test this CC. So it motivates me a lot if you click on the star at the bottom of this post to give +rep to this project. You also can donate to support my work with the donate button in my signature. [Credits] Thanks to Kupidon for his beta-tests. Hope you will enjoy it.
[Changelog] Code: [B]0.4[/B] [LIST] [*]The bot doesn't run towards his target unless it's necessary [*]Stop trying to invoke the pet if the bot is in combat [*]Use Serpent Sting on the target during the fight [*]Use Widow Venom on the target during the fight (can be disabled in the settings) [*]Correctly show the new version number in the log when there is an update [*]Write the CustomClass version number in the title of the settings form [/LIST] [B]0.3[/B] [LIST] [*]The kiting area has been reduced for elite mobs and worldbosses [*]The minimum level to use this CustomClass is fixed to 83, but it's recommended to use it to 85 [*]Targeting issues were solved. If the target is not in light of sight during 5 seconds, the CustomClass tries to switch to another one [*]Mending Pet issue was solved. The bot correctly calls back and applies Mend Pet on the pet without break the player's gameplay [*]Light of sight issue at the pull was solved. The hunter goes correctly to its target now [*]Aimed shot is only casted when the target has more than 88% at the pull [/LIST] [B]0.2[/B] [LIST] [*]Initial public beta [/LIST]
Let's see what this can do Video looks impressing so far! greetz Weischbier Edit: Works great! But I got some suggestions. 1. Alterac Valley: If the CC targets the NPCs (Bosses) it shouldn't do that running and jumping thing. just focused dmg. 2. Same for Isle of Conquest 3. I saw it target players through walls and tried shooting at the without LOS, maybe you should look at that, but maybe it was just because it was Alterac Valley with its walls and fences and stuff. --more to come-- 4. Kill Shot isn't used IF there is a chance the target could die very often. Sometimes it just does a Steady Shot or moves away from the target although its clearly not in melee range.
YES! I remember a variation for this cc was in the works. Maybe it was the same one, just can't remember. I searched high and low through the forums but couldn't find it. Effin excited Edit: watched the vid, it was this cc I had seen a few months back! Glad you finally released it!
Would it be usable as a pvp leveling cc ? since i don't have a 85 hunter EDIT : i know you said "already 85 capped" but did you only test it on that one or is it absolutely a nono for non 85's ?
Can confirm the issues with walls. Just experienced this in twin peaks. Otherwise very impressive. How would this fair in arena?
Awesome thank you!! I'd like to see a little less jumping forward, seems kinda strange to jump moving towards the enemy so much. This is bad ass!
Thanks for your comments. I recommend the default pull range, 40y, which is the range you can cast Aimed Shot. I said this CC is limited to level 85 because I use a lot the Aspect of the Fox. This ability is only available since the level 83 and I haven't tested my CC with a 83 hunter. The issue with walls is weird, because it works great on my computer. Try activate the Verbose mode in the settings and see if you see "[zeHunter]: The target is not in light in sight, moving closer..." and what happens during this time. It's a good suggestion to stop jumping when the bot targets a boss @lolfan : I never tried to use my bot in arena, let us know if it pwn or not
It works kinda good but it jumps too much. I dont like that my char is running into the meleerange of the enemy.
That looks so freakishly awesome, a few questions though In the video i see the CC sometimes running towards a player, then turn around and run away again, then towards again, then away. Why does it do this, if i may ask? The most promising hunter pvp CC out there
Thanks My goal is always moving to annoy the melee classes. In the video, the bot fought an elemental shaman in AV. In the middle of the fight, a rogue appears and had some troubles to follow me with these kind of movements. The bot turn towards a player when it needs to attack and run away to kit the enemy, waiting the GCD.
I got an example: Char runs into the melee range and goes enrage (camera is shaking and turning 360? for a few secs). Why?
Pretty awesome CC so far I must say, the one problem I am having in 2v2 arena with it... is it kills 1.. then refuses to target the second (This is using Combat Bot) dont know if I should try something else... I will try to post a log later Code: Log: [zeHunter]: Trying to cast : Chimera Shot on xxxx [zeHunter]: SuspendMoving [zeHunter]: Sleeping and awaiting the end of the falling... [zeHunter]: Jumping [zeHunter]: Sleeping and awaiting facing... [zeHunter]: Casted : Chimera Shot on xxxx (jump: True) [zeHunter]: Moving to <816.6818, -269.7611, 28.92643> [zeHunter]: ResumeMoving [zeHunter]: Trying to target someone else [zeHunter]: Pet is now attacking xxxx [zeHunter]: StartMoving [zeHunter]: Trying to cast : Arcane Shot on xxxx [zeHunter]: Sleeping and awaiting facing... [zeHunter]: Casted : Arcane Shot on xxxxx (jump: False) [zeHunter]: Trying to target someone else Debug: [4:07:11 PM:907] Could not generate full path from {6257.177, 279.9059, 4.153133} to {6285.35, 301.0514, 11.92958} (time used: 0 milliseconds) [4:07:12 PM:853] Could not generate full path from {6253.863, 297.3479, 4.875514} to {6253.61, 317.4755, 6.474825} (time used: 0 milliseconds) [4:07:15 PM:293] Could not generate full path from {6253.93, 299.9935, 5.226361} to {6253.789, 317.4568, 6.723667} (time used: 0 milliseconds) [4:07:20 PM:657] Could not generate path from {6248.77, 296.2736, 4.913768} to {6238.479, 322.1869, 6.053668} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly [4:07:20 PM:754] Could not generate path from {6248.77, 296.2736, 4.913768} to {6237.967, 322.6982, 5.925895} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly [4:07:20 PM:920] Could not generate path from {6248.77, 296.2736, 4.913768} to {6237.422, 323.1998, 5.985413} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly [4:07:21 PM:083] Could not generate path from {6248.77, 296.2736, 4.913768} to {6236.909, 323.6524, 6.046467} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly [4:07:21 PM:242] Could not generate path from {6248.77, 296.2736, 4.913768} to {6236.393, 324.1227, 6.117811} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly [4:07:22 PM:087] Could not generate path from {6249.379, 296.7217, 5.37667} to {6238.463, 327.8073, 9.254834} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly [4:07:23 PM:234] Could not generate full path from {6251.946, 298.358, 4.844573} to {6272.335, 327.9226, 6.285964} (time used: 0 milliseconds) [4:07:23 PM:362] Could not generate full path from {6251.28, 298.381, 4.888048} to {6269.23, 330.3767, 6.699242} (time used: 0 milliseconds) [4:07:23 PM:603] Could not generate full path from {6251.617, 300.0291, 4.935709} to {6266.934, 332.6353, 6.209093} (time used: 0 milliseconds) [4:07:23 PM:725] Could not generate full path from {6251.506, 300.8616, 4.920823} to {6263.167, 334.7241, 5.701137} (time used: 0 milliseconds) [4:07:24 PM:069] Could not generate full path from {6250.876, 303.1802, 5.553536} to {6254.741, 336.3855, 9.38765} (time used: 0 milliseconds) [4:07:25 PM:269] Could not generate full path from {6247.518, 310.7228, 6.517892} to {6236.23, 339.0372, 11.82049} (time used: 0 milliseconds) [4:07:25 PM:934] Could not generate path from {6244.569, 314.2256, 6.149078} to {6232.159, 337.6322, 8.498875} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly [4:07:27 PM:559] Could not generate path from {6244.732, 310.481, 7.350799} to {6224.425, 333.7933, 16.85593} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly [4:07:28 PM:071] Could not generate path from {6247.076, 307.7885, 5.299534} to {6223.289, 335.0714, 7.215189} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly [4:07:29 PM:154] Could not generate full path from {6249.842, 304.5243, 6.298995} to {6259.372, 293.2815, 42.08396} (time used: 0 milliseconds) [4:07:29 PM:263] Could not generate full path from {6249.379, 305.1315, 6.593959} to {6245.758, 310.9503, 44.45845} (time used: 0 milliseconds) [4:07:29 PM:370] Could not generate path from {6250.793, 306.7912, 7.292655} to {6265.592, 328.8016, 32.85675} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly [4:07:29 PM:473] Could not generate full path from {6252.116, 308.3443, 7.738889} to {6270.043, 332.1443, 25.99589} (time used: 0 milliseconds) [4:07:30 PM:125] Could not generate full path from {6252.77, 309.6438, 5.287754} to {6272.111, 337.8866, 6.417725} (time used: 0 milliseconds) [4:07:31 PM:227] Could not generate full path from {6249.832, 312.0263, 5.376428} to {6251.257, 344.8335, 6.658406} (time used: 0 milliseconds) [4:08:27 PM:268] Downloaded tilemap Kalimdor [4:08:27 PM:446] Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True [4:11:56 PM:658] Changed tilemap to bladesedgearena, Tiled: True [4:13:15 PM:700] Loading bladesedgearena_31_20 [4:14:10 PM:866] Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True [4:16:40 PM:572] Downloaded tilemap OrgrimmarArena [4:16:40 PM:747] Changed tilemap to OrgrimmarArena, Tiled: True [4:17:38 PM:653] Downloaded OrgrimmarArena_32_30 [4:17:38 PM:654] Loading OrgrimmarArena_32_30 [4:17:38 PM:664] Could not generate path from {773.814, -279.0667, 28.41677} to {6202.923, 299.8545, 5.68401} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly [4:18:01 PM:352] Could not generate path from {778.8384, -248.5691, 28.36296} to {793.913, -226.0465, 28.54413} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly [4:18:03 PM:969] Could not generate path from {778.8373, -248.5788, 29.90289} to {785.2664, -218.9722, 35.33083} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly [4:18:04 PM:447] Could not generate path from {778.8373, -248.5788, 28.41678} to {785.3984, -218.3642, 28.89378} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly [4:18:04 PM:597] Could not generate path from {778.8373, -248.5788, 29.33628} to {781.2378, -213.9174, 41.29012} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly [4:18:04 PM:714] Could not generate path from {778.8373, -248.5788, 29.75811} to {780.3889, -216.8237, 48.94273} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly [4:18:04 PM:829] Could not generate path from {778.8373, -248.5788, 29.91539} to {779.0483, -220.8949, 55.32316} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly [4:18:04 PM:938] Could not generate full path from {778.8373, -248.5788, 29.82895} to {777.547, -225.2318, 59.82357} (time used: 0 milliseconds) [4:18:05 PM:055] Could not generate full path from {778.8049, -248.8393, 29.48522} to {773.0301, -239.5297, 66.64405} (time used: 0 milliseconds) [4:18:06 PM:729] Could not generate full path from {782.2683, -248.9556, 28.70633} to {819.2731, -248.7643, 35.51771} (time used: 0 milliseconds)
This is when there is a conflict between run away and try to use a trap or other ability. It sometimes happens but doesn't last too much. @Maxasy: Weird, apparently, HB cannot generate a correct path to the second target :s What is the frequency of this issue ?