Hello, Currently I ride a troll mage horde side so since I use the standard profiles kick never had a problem until last night at the bot move my character to level 60 with the profile of 12-58 shots this morning I placed on the bot profile 58-70 and that is the problem so I have to start changing the <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True"> to false so the bot has a good start questing though the last hour he did anything redid the loop path What to do please?
http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/35945-guide-how-attach-your-log-kick.html Do this.
Hello Tony, So as I was recently told the bot gets to do anything, made a loop that kills monsters, does not validate the quests no longer quest! in short I do not know what happens Thank you for helping me