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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by ashram666, May 3, 2010.

    1. ashram666

      ashram666 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'm writing this as a tribute to Gatherbuddy (and to Bossland/Hawker/Tony that made it possible).

      I bought my first Gatherbuddy subscription on June 2009 (one of the first i think lol) then converted it to lifetime after 1 week. In this 1 year Gatherbuddy changed my life.

      I began botting like 8 hour a day for every bot (all on the same realm),then 24/7.Never experienced a ban (just a couple of suspensions lol). For the first 6 months i earned ?800-1000 a month,now with all this popularity and low price x1000g i'm set at ?500-600. All this with only 3 bots.

      I have a good work and this extra income just bought me some of my dreams. I'm huge Apple fan and in these months i had the money to buy a Macbook pro ,an iphone and finally an Imac 27" I5 :)

      Now i'm running 3 bots inside Parallels+Windows7 and playing Wow on my main with the mac client at like 150 fps?this is a little screenshot for those thinking i'm lying ahahah

      For all those apple fans like me out there : you can run without any problems HB or GB WITHOUT using bootcamp at all ! Just install the latest Parallels,assign 1 GB ram minimum to it and install Windows 7 (32bit or 64bit it's the same). Do a windows update to have everything updated then disable (to just a little speed up):

      - windows update
      - windows system restore
      - windows search
      - windows firewall and action center

      After this just drag and drop your Wow folder,your GB and HB folders and run everything as you want :)

      You can even minimize your windows7 with all bots running while you are working on your macosx

      These are all the visualization options you have :

      - enable coherence mode inside Parallels?then your windows will be shown as "normal" mac application windows

      - enable modality mode my great favorite.With this mode parallels just made your windows small as a stamp on your desktop so you can continue watching the bots running while working (for all the paranoids like me ahaha)

      - enables spaces and assign parallels to the second screen.With this you have a fullscreen windows on your second screen?you can switch between the two instantly with cmd+1 or cmd+2 . This is great too.

      Forever Gatherbuddy !

      P.S. A huge thanks to Tony,without your profiles i'm nothing :)
      Last edited: Dec 14, 2010
    2. crazy00eyes

      crazy00eyes New Member

      Jan 22, 2010
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      Congratulations, I'm sure they appreciate your compliments :)

      You've done very well for yourself and I would love to be half as successful as you, so I have a few questions. If you would rather not answer them I completely understand, or if you would prefer to speak privately please me know.

      I've been using HB for a few months for my own personal gain in game (leveling, honor farming), but have never sold gold. Also running on a mac, but using Bootcamp :)

      Are your 3 bots tied to the same battle.net account or do you use separate accounts for security?
      Since you have been botting over a year in WotLK, I'm sure you have a pretty good idea which botting activities generate the most profit. Would you care to enlighten me?
      What class (or classes) do you find to be the fastest/most effective bots?
      I'm in the US, I would imagine the going rates for gold are different? What are they like in Europe?
      Most importantly, who do you sell gold to? Personal friends or a website? Most of the people I hear who sell gold get their accounts banned very quickly, which has kept me from it since I'm a poor college student and the risk of monetary loss concerns me. I am worried that the cost of purchasing the accounts could cause me to lose money rather than make money if they are banned fairly quickly.
    3. ashram666

      ashram666 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Answers :

      - different b.net

      - speaking of Gatherbuddy the best class are retribution Paladins and blood DK (immortality + farm speed)

      - best professions on my server economy are jewelcrafting/blacksmith/inscription

      - i only sell to private buyers.For this reason i'm only present on my national server :)

      - prices in europe now are like €2,50 every 1000g...really bad. Six months ago i was selling at €5 every 1000g. Do not know about chinese resellers
    4. whatcha413

      whatcha413 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      May i ask how you get Private Sellers ? ^_^ I was thinken of trying but dont feel like waisting 20 bucks and end up not finding anyone lol better idea ? :p
    5. ashram666

      ashram666 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Easy :)

      Spam trade channel every 10 minutes with a message WITH A LVL 80 (no one care of a shitty vanilla lvl 1).After one week you have your customers for the rest of your life :)
    6. whatcha413

      whatcha413 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yea but what happens when everyone reports you for selling gold lol
    7. ashram666

      ashram666 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Never been banned/suspended for spamming/trading golds....and traded up to 120k a day with my lvl 80

      IMHO the problem is trading with a vanilla lvl 1...they will caught you in a second.

      A friend of mine for example : traded 30k to a private buyer with a lvl 1...account suspended. Traded 100k with a lvl 80,same buyer,same server...nothing happened
    8. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i am very glad about your success story mate
      Gratz from me,Hawker and Bossland :)
    9. Xesredrum

      Xesredrum New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Wow cool think. When i have more time at a weekend i will try to run GB/HB with parallels as u do. I have an IMAc which is 3 years old. Hope it will be possible.
      Until now i run my main at my Aplle and the 3 bots a running on the laptop of my wife :). She is not amused. I hope to buy a new good one in a few months.
      GZ to your story. Nice that some guys make cash with gold. When i have private buyers i would sell gold too but i think now most of the people have enough gold.

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