Ok, looting is perfect now, but it's still not skinning the mobs. All mobs for 25 minutes have been looted fine but the only skinnable mob was left alone after looting. This is with 5800 yes. Settings : Settings & Tools: Loot Mobs / Loot Chests / Skin Mobs all set. Bot Config: Loot Mobs set. Edit: I've now come across a number of skinnable mobs that it's looted fine but not skinned. What needs updating for this to work? (Or bug fixing, whatever)
[Gatherbuddy2]: Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 1009 nodes in 12h 30m 50s. [Gatherbuddy2]: Stormvine: 391 [Gatherbuddy2]: Azshara's Veil: 618 - This is just amazing! :O Well done Tony!
not having a hole lot of luck with these herbing profiles in this area i load them with GB2 and all my toon dose is sit there and not move this is all i get Changing current profile to Tony's Abyssal Depths Herbs and Mines Starting the bot! Changing current profile to Tony's Abyssal Depths Herbs and Mines
Amazing profile. Not one problem [Gatherbuddy2]: Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 426 nodes in 2h 38m 36s. [Gatherbuddy2]: Obsidium Deposit: 162 [Gatherbuddy2]: Azshara's Veil: 123 [Gatherbuddy2]: Stormvine: 141
Experiencing something weird. After a decent amount of time (approximatly 2 hours) the screen goes black and the character starts spinning around (I can see that because the minimap icon spins like crazy). Then it either crashes my wow or I spin there for hours end. Any idea if this is a known bug in Vash, or could it be some GM screwing around with me?
The same thing happens to me at this location. The screen goes black and then a wow-bug reportwindow pops up. Happens almost everytime in that area.
cords is.. <Blackspot X="-5942.756" Y="6779.104" Z="-1014.579" Radius="29.49342" /> <Blackspot X="-5942.756" Y="6779.104" Z="-1014.579" Radius="29.4934 i was already put that cords in tony profile but its not works , my char still passing that spot, help me pls thanks