Swiny, I would like to suggest a few things. 1. Button to quickly change Rogue rotations on the fly in Arena between Garrote - Kidney Shot and Ambush - Eviscerate, because Garrote - Kidney Shot spam is very effective against healers and less effective against everyone else and Ambush - Eviscerate is very effective against everyone else, but sucks against healers and switching to HB to manually change rotations mid-fight is very ineffective and too slow. I get asked too often as a Rogue, if there is a Healer on the other team to jump on him with Garrote - Kidney Shot, but as with everything in Arena, this is not always the case so a greater degree of flexibility is required and I can't set up the CC before the fight and forget about it for the rest of the game. 2. Button to change poisons, so if I am going to fight a healer, I can press say NumLock 5 and replace Crippling Poison with Mind-Numbing Poison, which combined with Wound Poison will make any healer's life miserable when I am on them. 3. Finally a fix for poisoning my thrown weapon. PVPRogue has a setting to apply poison to Thrown, but alas, it never applies anything no matter what I do. 4. Something like a Kill Button option - target an enemy, and the moment you cast Shadowstep on them, the CC takes over and sticks to them unless you manually deselect them or target something else, in which case the CC would wait for you to attack the new enemy and glue itself to them. Right now, I have to control all movement manually, which I am sure yields less than optimal results.
Depends on what you are doing. I use BGBuddy for BG's, because that's what it's for and LazyRaider at 60FPS for Arena.
I have a question, maybe to some of you it will sound stupid but I'm new to roguepvp so I need a bit of explanation. I'm using Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft this spec for BGBuddy with ofc PVPRogue CC. The question is why is it so low on using Backstab. As far as I can see it uses only a couple 2-5 backstabs per whole BG. Glue is sticking to enemy all time, making it like atleast 30-50% on his back so I see no reason for not using backstab. Glue is set to 25 ticks as normal, latency is 40-50ms. It just uses hemo all the time, with finishers ofc. Edit: I may have found a reason, even if my target is stunned or just not moving/turning it just keeps "dancing" around him all time mostla hitting it with only melee/hemo, sometimes just only melee. I checked just now that targets are not turning or trying to turn with their mouse, my rogue just keeps spinning around them.
Hey swiny... prob i get is when i load up honourbuddy from a fresh install all i get is this after a svn update Could not compile CC from C:\Users\......\Desktop\hb latesest\CustomClasses\PvPRogue!File: ClassSettings.cs Line: 13 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'ClassSettings' File: ClassSettings.cs Line: 114 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'eSubFinisher' File: ClassSettings.cs Line: 123 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'eSubOpener' File: ClassSettings.cs Line: 132 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'ePoison' File: PvPRogue.cs Line: 25 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'PvPRogue' File: Logging.cs Line: 11 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'Log' File: Misc.cs Line: 8 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Utils' already contains a definition for 'Misc' File: PlayerFlee.cs Line: 14 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Utils' already contains a definition for 'PlayerFlee'
I have a Problem with the Movement. "MoveStop failed for StrafeRight MoveStop failed for Forward MoveStop failed for StrafeRight"
I added some short lines to your "Trinket.cs" to cover the Human Racial trinket: "Every Man for Himself" // Check Human Trinket if (Spell.SpellOnCooldown("Every Man for Himself") == false) { SpellManager.Cast("Every Man for Himself", StyxWoW.Me); Log.Write("->Trinket: Used"); StyxWoW.SleepForLagDuration(); return; } I just embedded it under the method "private static void UseTrinket()" following your standard from trinket slot 1 and 2, and it works beautifully, you might wanna consider adding this small piece of code .
Swiny mate can ya please sort my prob out mate its driving me nuts i like the CC but its been a while and ive posted 3 logs now each with different things and still no replay dude i hope your are still updating this CC and its not falling on deaf ears as this was the best rogue cc ive used in ages..
Swiny is currently banned but it should end soon. ill send this log to swiny so we can solve your issue. Thanks
i think people need to read this thread.... http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...1019-developer-rules-update-6.html#post520771
Against the warriors used only shiv. Do not use shadowstep. Very much spin around the target, using the plugin "glue". This behavior is not peculiar to man. Sorry for google translate.
Message from SwInY all my shit will be removed as of tommorow, i will be closing down all my thread's. MadDog will be releasing my code, i give him and only him permission to touch my code. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/developer-forum/51019-developer-rules-update.html