Hmm, having my whole screen filled with "Ability is not ready yet". Set Custom Lag Tolerance, on my MS, below my MS, above my MS, but to no avail. Any fix for this? I highly suspect that my DPS rotation is being affected. (Bot uses select skill, but Character is unable to use the skill due to GCD cooldown).
DPS rotation isn't being affected by the "Ability not ready yet". It's a priority system, so it'll use the thing with the highest priority when it can Normally any player spams his buttons, to use them whenever ready.
Thanks Venus112, I have another question for you, how does each of the raid and dungeon settings differ from one another?
The settings will be removed tomorrow most likely from all CCs and an option to enable and disable dragon soul logics will be introduced instead. I promised the update today, but it will most likely come tomorrow along with new logics for dragon soul. I just don't have time to change it today. That wasn't exactly an answer for what you asked, but since they'll disappear shortly, I hope you will bear with me They will stay in the mage cc, but that's due to not being able to code a decent way to know when to use heroic will and when not to
Sure take your time, I look forward to the update, especially the MS before CS when not having 4pc T13. Thanks for your work on this!
Does the tier detection works properly? I noticed its checking itemset ID "76983" which is the Item ID of the Normal head piece (397 ilvl) I might be mistaken but Heroic Battlegear(410 ilvl) itemset ID is "-484" Normal Battlegear(397 ilvl) itemset ID is "1073" and LFR Battlegear(384 ilvl) ID is "-465"
Oh regarding the Raidbot lag. Apoc made a post about that several days ago. Maybe its useful for your CC's:
Problem is; It's only a few CCs that use any of those. Yet people had reported the lags to me with other CCs
New update available through SVN Titan Arms v. 3.5 *Should now use Colossus Smash before Mortal Strike if we have less than 4 Tier 13 items *Should now use Colossus Smash after Mortal Strike (4-set bonus does not proc) if we have 4 or more Tier 13 items *Added new Dragon Soul Logics, that should work no matter what difficulty you are playing on
Thank you, I'll report back after some testing! [edit] I noticed this won't use thunder clap when you have the blood and thunder talents, why did you choose to omit this?
It would be great if you could add it in =) It's pretty hard to squeeze it in yourself because the CC is so efficient with GCD's
Create a checkbox to enable B&T ? Amazing CC still, even tho i still use the 2.6 version ... slightly adjusted. Simply cuz it works flawlessly with raidbot and since raidbot is super fast, it gives me more dps output (Havnt tried the latest yet though!).
so how does the bot knows if lets say on HC on Ultra when to use the buttom? does it know when im in group 5 i have to stay out 2nd time? or does it not do anything for Ultra HC?
Does this CC now use Heroic Will on both Fading Light and Hour of Twilight on the Ultraxion fight? Keep up th good work guys, since using this CC i've never looked back!! great work!
It should work now, though I can't be 100 percent sure, but all the spell identifiers should be there