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  • Perma banned (read inside)

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by hoper, Apr 22, 2012.

    1. hoper

      hoper New Member

      Jan 21, 2012
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      1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? HB

      2)If so, when was the last time?: Yesterday

      3)What profile were you using?: Kickz questing

      4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Default DK

      5)What plugins are you using?: Ones kickz recommend while questing

      6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 6-8

      6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? All the time

      7)How many auctions per day did you have?: None

      8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No

      9)Was your account involved in gold selling? No

      10)EU or US realm? EU

      Your account was permanently suspended due to use of third party programs, which is against the Terms of Use (Blizzard Entertainment: Battle.net Terms of Use), the relevant part of which can be found in this article :

      Anti-Cheat Policy - Battle.net Support

      When running, the World of Warcraft client may monitor your computer's random access memory (ram) and/or cpu processes for unauthorized third party programs running concurrently with World of Warcraft. An unauthorized third party program as used herein shall be defined as any third party software, including without limitation any addon or mod, that in Blizzard Entertainment's sole determination:

      I. enables or facilitates cheating of any type;

      II. allows users to modify or hack the World of Warcraft interface, environment, and/or experience in any way not expressly authorized by Blizzard Entertainment; or

      III. intercepts, mines, or otherwise collects information from or through World of Warcraft. In the event that World of Warcraft detects an unauthorized third party program, Blizzard may

      a) communicate information back to blizzard entertainment, including without limitation your account name, details about the unauthorized third party program detected, and the time and date the unauthorized third party program was detected; and/or

      b) exercise any or all of its rights under section 6 of this agreement, with or without prior notice to the user.

      The use of such programs or files is clearly unfair to the World of Warcraft community playing regularly and is not tolerated on our servers.

      Can someone help me understand what is going on? Does this message means that blizzard got bot detection?
    2. Hellshout

      Hellshout New Member

      Mar 10, 2012
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      At the time I'm writing this, I run the bot and WOW, and I'm still "alive". I guess 99% of the readers are also. Idk what happened to you. Mb someone reported you, and they can't say you were selling gold or abusing the economy, since you were leveling.

      Ow also, you might have used a hack, idk wall mount or w/e hacks there are out there, I don't know.
    3. hoper

      hoper New Member

      Jan 21, 2012
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      Well i realy dont know what is happening myself, got stressed out receiving message like this... and i was not using anything any hacks or something else, just honorbuddy... dont know if i got reported or anything i just want to know about this message i got received from them
    4. Vallz

      Vallz Member

      Apr 13, 2012
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      Warden hasn't been updated that means they cannot have detected it.
      It must have been a report but it seems like an odd ban, because they wouldn't apply that message without a legitimate reason :confused:

      It doesn't hurt to call them, but I'd rather expect a denial from them.
    5. Jasper785

      Jasper785 New Member

      Apr 20, 2012
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      Can anyone confirm its true that they are reading your CPU/RAM?
      If its true i think there must be some kind of solution for sure which will hide or rename honorbuddy at the CPU/RAM processes..

      Stopped botting for now, dont wanna take the risk atm :p
    6. Hellshout

      Hellshout New Member

      Mar 10, 2012
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      I highly doubt it's true. It's also a violation of your privacy if a game can read your WHOLE ram... They won't do this. Imagine the lawsuits.
    7. Thorage

      Thorage New Member

      Mar 2, 2012
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      That's what all the blizzard ban letters say, and that was how warden worked. They can not access your RAM anymore it's just a BS statement to scare you. I think you ether got reported or was being watched by a GM. Did you say anything in chat or whisper to a friend that you were using HB?
    8. toblakai

      toblakai New Member

      Nov 27, 2010
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      How about the funny "Hax.lua" error message that pops up when hb crashes, does that get logged to anywhere?
    9. hoper

      hoper New Member

      Jan 21, 2012
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      I dont think this is what every blizzard letter say, i toke look in the ban section and most of them were like you got 72h/perma suspension third party program and thats all... this is much diferent from that i dont know if its true or they sent it to scare me, i hope someone with more experience from the moderators who understand and have knowledge about this thing will provide me the best answer so i can be sure and know what is happening... i was quite active on chat while leveling, have done group questes with random people and was playing some of the time myself... everything happened in front of my eyes, after i decided to shut it down and go out i used HS to take it to inkeeper, and when my HS screen finished got DC, tried to relog and got this one

      Hellshout, dont know if that is violation of privacy or something, but if i am not wrong i remember when making account you check option where you agree that blizzard can monitor you...
    10. qztr

      qztr Active Member

      Mar 31, 2012
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      Warden scans for RAM. It only scans WoW.exe, nothing else.

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