Hello. I i'm questing using Kick's profile. I'm playing rogue at level 82. Just came to deepholm, the bot did a few quests as it should. But on the follow-up quests the bot just fly away to a section of deepholm that's never discovered before, no quests there or anything, the bot just fly against the wall and think he's stuck, doesn't get better when i did some quests manually, also tried to restart everything, nothing is better. I'm gonna post my log. View attachment 2012-04-23_11_47 1308 Log.txt
Not that this connects to you being stuck, but you'll have to configurate your AutoEquipv2 [11:50:20:477] [AutoEquip]: You have not selected a weapon style yet. Please open the configuration and check your settings.
yeah, but it have worked good since lvl 1 with no problems what does it really do? cause its equiping gear as it should?