EDIT: Please go to http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...n/52428-horde-argent-tournament-valiants.html In the past month i just havent had time to finish/improve this profile. Hey guys, Lately i have been working on an argent tournament profile to get this crap done on my shaman. I took Kick's Profiles and basically made them race friendly. I have only tested the Blood Elf profile but im sure all 5 will work. BASED OFF OF Argent Tournament Guide - Wowhead News (Also its what the wording of the stages are based off of) What works: All Valiant dailies Whats in the works: Aspirant dailies Champion dailies Thanks kick for letting me use your existing profiles for a base
Also, You have to manually do the mounted part of the quests. If anyone knows how to make the bot do them PM me and ill add it to the profiles.
Hi, nice to see a horde profile for this. I did the aspirant ones manually and now I got the valiant series. For some reason my char runs to Aedric the Pure but he has no quest for me. Do you have to do something to get this quest unlocked (Battle before the citadel) thanks
Looking forward to the addition of Champion dailies. I'm horrible about consistently doing dailies anyway, and I'd really like to have the mounts from AT before mists comes out (it'd bring my total mounts closer to the 150 mark).
Gave the UC profile a shot, turns out you have the Blood Elf npc listed in it. So it goes to the wrong npcs. Edited it and changed it to the UC npc it's meant to (changed npc id etc) now it just tries to accept the first quest over and over with nothing happening. Hope the kinks get worked out, sick of doing these dailys.