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  • Bowman - Survival / Marksman Hunter PvE & PvP CC [LazyRaider]

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by falldown, Apr 27, 2012.

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    1. kombi

      kombi New Member

      Feb 17, 2012
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      wow guess i should of read the last post >.>
    2. falldown

      falldown Member

      May 15, 2011
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      You should definetly set No cobra shot after x focus lower, somewhere around 70. I have worse gear than both of you and mine's at like 72 or something. The reason it will sometimes cast Cobra Shot over the set focus limit is this:

      Let's say you've set the cap at 70. You start casting Cobra shot when you have 60 Focus, now after the Cobra Shot you would have about 80, and it won't cast Cobra Shot again, UNLESS it already queques the Cobra Shot up whilst you're already casting it, and the focus cap hasn't been reached yet. This sometimes happens, I'll see if I can find any solution as to fixing it, that should stop it from focus capping.

      I'll also look into Arcane Shot and see if I can improve how it's used somehow.
    3. Flappie

      Flappie New Member

      Mar 14, 2012
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      getting errors all the way i some times it stops :( hope you can help me

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    4. falldown

      falldown Member

      May 15, 2011
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      You're using marksmanship spec and the CC is set to Marksmanship from the GUI? Also which rotation are you using.
    5. Flappie

      Flappie New Member

      Mar 14, 2012
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      yes everything is set to marksman, mixed rotation and aimed show rotation. get the errors on both settings
    6. Flappie

      Flappie New Member

      Mar 14, 2012
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      i think its fixed now i had interrupt enable
    7. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Hey mate, I'm going to start off by saying I don't have a log because this never occurred to me to post until Flappie mentioned having the same issue. I've already deleted my logs, so I'll try and generate one for you in a bit. I'm not sure how long it will be. My concern was not that I was getting errors, but I did notice that the CC would just stop working. There were several fights in several dungeons where I would just use auto-shot. It would start off working just fine. It would go through the arcane, or steady, or mixed rotation as expected, but then it would just completely stop casting any shots. I was called out several times and told to do more than just auto attack, or else I'd be kicked from the group. I had to make up excuses saying my UI was messed up, or my skills wouldn't work, and I was trying to fix it between fights. I eventually just closed HB and asked the group to wait while I reloaded WoW. I logged out, back in, and loaded CLU instead. i went from roughly 6k dps, using Bowman, to almost 11k, using CLU.

      I see real potential in this CC with the options that can be selected. If the functionality could be sped up and the glitches ironed out I think it would rival CLU as a great MM/Surv Hunter CC. I'm not knocking, flaming, dissing, disrespecting, or anything else like that. Please don't take it that way. It's just some helpful constructive criticism with nothing to back it up at the moment. I will try very hard to get a log up as soon as I can. I don't have time to play right now as there's been some things that have happened in the family that require urgent attention. I just wanted to report that I have also noticed it locking up and doing nothing for long peroids of time, then just as mysteriously it starts working again.
    8. Flappie

      Flappie New Member

      Mar 14, 2012
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      turn interrupt off in the cc config that was my problem i becuase i dont have silence shot
    9. Baysek

      Baysek New Member

      Mar 10, 2012
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      1st off: Great overall profile, grats on development to every1 who was involved:::

      For Dragon Soul (LFR): Madness of Deathwing, it has several errors:

      on 1st Platform it attacks the Arm tentacle, but when Mutated Corruption shows up, it doesn't turn to attack it, but when u turn manually, it does! not a big deal but it's just something that I feel it should do on it's own

      for the next 3 platforms: It does NOT attack arm tentacle, what it does instead is it targets Deathwing himself, and well..he's not the target, arm tentacle is, but when mutated corruption shows up, it attacks that/adds/everything else EXCEPT Arm tentacles :(

      is there a way to fix this please? ty in advanced
    10. Baysek

      Baysek New Member

      Mar 10, 2012
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      and just now after deathwing kill, the bot teleported me out of the raid automatically and now im unable to roll on loot..

    11. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      Baysek, you may want to provide a log if you want help with your problem. It really sounds like a botbase-kind of problem more than a CC. Since a CC wouldnt leave the party for you. Could be a plugin as well, but we wont know until you provide your logfile here.
    12. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Trying this without the spell interrupt enabled. I got some new pieces of gear over the last day (24 hours). I'm trying the three rotations for MM. I'm just curious what the difference between each rotation is? They all look the same to me, for the most part. Seems as though the Aimed shot rotation gets me the most dps, then Mixed, then Arcane.

      Are there certain situations where you'd use one over the other? Or, are the three just for different stats? Right now my gear is a mixture of Cata regs and heroics. I think I have a single piece of the Hunter JP set (iLevel 378).
    13. falldown

      falldown Member

      May 15, 2011
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      Good to hear that you got it working, I'll look into making it work even if you don't have silenced shot talented.

      None of your problems are related to this CC, it's not supposed to target for you or switch targets. Nor does it leave dungeons automatically. Seems like you're using a wrong bot base or some plugins.

      As long as you have silencing shot talented, you should be fine. It sounds a little like your trap launcher is enabled, in which case the CC does stop all actions (to allow the user to manually launch traps). That would basically stop all actions for 15 seconds unless you disable the buff or launch a trap.

      The reason this happens is that it will start AoE rotation, cast trap launcher, then stop AoE rotation without ever launching a trap. (Basically there are 4+ targets = Start AoE, cast trap launcher, some of them died and now there's less than 4 = Stop AoE) But if it's not that then I might need a log. I've noticed some problems myself, I'll try to get them sorted out.

      Oh and
      Mixed rotation: Arcane Shot as main focus dump unless you have some haste buff, then Aimed Shot
      Arcane Shot Rotation: Arcane Shot only as focus dump
      Aimed Shot Rotation: Aimed Shot only as focus dump (Recommended when you have high haste)
    14. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Ah, I see now. It only locked up on me once after I turned off Silencing Shot in the options GUI. But, then again, WoW also locked up on me so I think that may have been a computer issue. The CC launches traps all on its own. I haven't had it stop once where it let me place a trap manually. I've swtiched back over to this after I read about the silencing shot issue. This is very nice. I like being able to choose between rotations. I noticed that it doesn't fire black arrow when selected though. I'm MM/Surv spec'd and I tried in both specs. I also followed the builds given within the CC for my talent trees on both MM and Surv.
    15. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      You really should help falldown by actually providing some logs whenever you say there is some issu

      By looking at the code, the following parameters needs to be succesful to cast black arrow

      Black Arrow has to be enabled through GUI
      Target does not already have the black arrow debuff (your GUID)
      Black arrow is not on cooldown
      Targets health percent needs to be over 5 %
      Last edited: May 9, 2012
    16. falldown

      falldown Member

      May 15, 2011
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      See what Venus said, and also MM doesn't have Black Arrow, so if you're playing Survival, make sure Explosive Shot rotation is selected.
    17. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Thank goodness for Notepad++. I just opened all my logs in it and searched for 'Black Arrow' and apparently it is being used. I use McScrolling Battle Text and have it set to show my criticals in very large text compared to standard hits. I had never seen BA crit, which is why I thought it wasn't being fired. I've seen every other shot crit, so I knew they were being fired. Nothing you can do about that. And, my apologies about the log files. It was 3 am and I was half asleep. I thought I had attached a log. My mistake. As far as rotations and specs go; I was in Survival spec and was using the only rotation available in Survival spec. But, anyway, BA was being used according to the log, so pay no mind to me mentioning it, lol. It was very late, I was half asleep, and things get missed when that happens.
    18. Flappie

      Flappie New Member

      Mar 14, 2012
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      Stil getting errors on both specs its the same error, clean install

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    19. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Hey, can you look through the code and see why it would be trying to do something to a player named Shadow? When I'm not using HB this never happens, but when I load HB and Bowman, it keeps trying to do something to someone named Shadow. My pet's name is Shaede, so I'm wondering if it's just using 'Sha' to try and do something to my pet? I've looked and there are no errors in Debug or the HB window, and I haven't even started queuing for dungeons yet. I started up the bot and was just sitting in SW by the bank when it just spammed in my chat window 'No player named 'Shadow' is currently playing.' I can't figure out why. I've turned off all addons for WoW and only have on the default HB plugins and Loot Ninja (AE2 replacement for rolling need instead of greed).

      Edit: I thought my cat's name was Shaede, but that turns out to be my dog. The cat I'm using is named Shadow. I don't know what it's trying to cast on the cat, but the cat is always out and standing next to me when I get that message I mentioned. Maybe the 'Mend Pet' spell? I can't think of anything else it would be trying to cast on the cat while it's alive. In the CC I turned off the 'Call Pet' and 'Revive Pet' options because they were active strange. It would start to revive the pet, then cancel itself and try to call pet, then switch back and forth between call/revive. It's only revived the pet once successfully. That was in an old log that I've deleted by now though, and I've been running with them turned off. I'll turn them back on so I can try and get you a log, but it's kind of hard because my pet doesn't die very often. It dies maybe once out of 20 dungeons, so, it's going to be a while before I can get a log of the revive/call pet issue.

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      Last edited: May 9, 2012
    20. Flappie

      Flappie New Member

      Mar 14, 2012
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      iam getting this error al the time :(

      [20:18:24:761] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
      at Marksman.Classname.addCount() in d:\Demian\CustomClasses\Bowman\Bowman Marksman.cs:line 230
      at Marksman.Classname.Combat() in d:\Demian\CustomClasses\Bowman\Bowman Marksman.cs:line 489
      at Styx.Combat.CombatRoutine.CombatRoutine.#MAd(Object action)
      at TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Action.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Decorator.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Decorator.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
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