This profile will farm the cave where the npc GIMORAK stands. It is a big wolf, surrounded by smaller wolves, and sometimes a worm being attacked by the wolves. Everything can be skinned. Best place to farm for borean leather so far. It is better than Sholazar Basin. Much more hidden place, and you dont have to walk a mile to find a mob. You will probably never find another player there (no usual questline there) Botbase: Grind Bot Skill Needed: Skinning 435 Bot for what? Borean Leather or Levelling Level Recommended: 80 S Mob level: Packs of 80 non-elites Output: 167 loots/h with level 85 prot warrior Also, gimorak is basically instant-respawn, so you will never run out of mobs. P.S. If you are unsure of cave entrance, just start the profile "near" it and the bot will find by itself Again... if you like this profile, please +rep me. That will motivate me to write new profiles.
for some reason when i load this profile, it just says loading tiles..... then does nothing. ive tried loading it with grind bot, but nothing
Hello zuabros, love your profiles and have given you Rep on all so far , this one is pretty good as all the others, thank you very much for it. @dubscraft, I had the same issue, I think my case is I never quested in Storm Peaks, I just waited out, took about 10m, but after a while it started working.
The profile is perfect . My only problem is the CC, but that haves nothing to do with the profile. One thing: the profile does not use flying routes, so its hard when the character haves to go to sell. You must to be there sometimes, cause it gets stuck.
Getting an error when trying to use this profile. It says Downloading Mesh, i've let it sit for about 25 minutes.. In the log we simply see No Data for Northrend_34_16.etm and No Data for Northrend_34_17.etm