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  • BGBuddy seems (how do I say this nicely...) unfinished... broken... challenged...

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by baj2k, Apr 22, 2012.

    1. baj2k

      baj2k New Member

      Jan 24, 2010
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      Running test code in HB is like being a Air Force Test Pilot. You keep one hand on the stick and one on the ejecter seat lever until your sure it flys... :cool:
    2. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      The most current one, 616. Or, did you mean what toon class am I using Singular with? That would be mainly sub rogue, resto druid, destro warlock, arms warrior, blood dk, and ret paladin.
    3. mellome

      mellome New Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      I figure I'll add my "two cents" to this trite conversation.

      First and foremost, baj2k you are a funny bugger and I chuckled through the thread thus far.
      Secondly, I would highly suggest using SOMETHING ELSE -> OTHER <- than Singular when botting consecutive (over and over, hour on end) BGs.

      Yes, Singular is a nice little "one to many" class option ... THAT is the root problem.
      A lot of the, apparent, issues (you mentioned Death Grip) are resulting of a blanket class build.
      Singular works really well for generic outings in a moonlit environment; however the logic around the build is to sort of smudge the fine print and get you going, rather than allow you to become your own puppet master.

      As far as Death Knights go, in regards to custom classes, mastahg 's Frost EzFrost ~ Cold as Ice wrecks worlds.
      Mix it, the above, with the " Glue " plugin (note: you will need to disable Glue's "movement" option within the plugin settings - optional) forces objects further down your opponent's throat.

      I have also used joystick9 's BloodyMess - Blood DK - PvP CC; which is a long-lasting, in your face, bring your friends next time, viagra is for wimps, poor little tink tink, monster of a Blood build.

      In the above two, more so in the second, you may specifically disable Death Grip, as may you, also, set priority/assign skill usage.

      In regards to BGBuddy ...

      WG: I've had my share of "the blind leading the blind" show downs in WG; where my bot pulls a lone ranger, that would make even The Duke blush, out of his nether region and proceeds to "The Alamo" the other team (with the assumed outcome, though, periodically, he gets lucky and eats everyone else).

      I wish there were, also, more options - BATTLEGROUND SPECIFIC - to either prowl, defend, or capture (pending the option exists) - subnote: there is a plugin, written by mastahg, to return flags - pending you're within area of them.

      AV: I rage in AV. I typically turn off BGBuddy and plop on LazyRaider for some "more controlled" actions. The HB Staff have fixed quite a few errors and "blacklisted zones" in this BG, so props there. There need be, however, an additional zone which black lists the "Death Grip" ability while attacking Generals (I am very content on being a dog who chases cars. Catching a car, or in this case "gripping" it, results in the same way; I get run over).
      It would also "be nice" to not "lone ranger" saunter into a general's room without the backing of 10 (5 is too low as people camp the entry) peers.

      AB: Mentioned the randomized paths and the more - defensive - actions ... no real complaints.

      The others, EoS etc, are repeat instances of the above; same ole' same ole' with minor exceptions/differences.

      If need be to Donate toward a "better" BGBuddy, pop a specific link and a tally.
      I don't tend to flaunt money, unless I am excessively hammered and the garter belt is on the floor, but I would be more than happy to toss dollars toward a good cause (without the "smoke and mirrors" payoff).

      Last edited: Apr 24, 2012
    4. Phog

      Phog New Member

      Jan 2, 2012
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      This is the single most annoying thing about BGBuddy in AV. While my group of three dozen intrepid teammates heads off to the right and down the road, I am going left and, you guessed it, here comes three dozen Horde frothing at the mouth and hellbent for leather, whipping their mounts into a frenzied gallop. What do I do? I run straight into them screaming, I can only imagine, "Glory to the Alliance!" while finding the one guy to attack in the middle of the pack who is geared to the teeth and probably their tank, and who is no doubt wondering WTF is wrong with this idiot. It takes all of 3-4 seconds to get wiped. It would be faster except I think the Horde are genuinely surprised by my early brazen and suicidal solo attack and it takes them a second or two to react. At least when two or three other bots are with me I don't feel so stupid.
    5. mithu

      mithu New Member

      Apr 5, 2012
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      LOL obviously you doing something wrong. Im usually top 5 DPS depending on what i am doing.

      And when i heal, im constantly top 3. It all depends on how you set it up. I faredm 10K honor in matter for hours. My friends couldnt even tell i was botting.
    6. baj2k

      baj2k New Member

      Jan 24, 2010
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      Uh-Huh... and I once caught a fish this big... <holds hands way, way apart> :p

      I'm generally in the top 10 in points now that I'm geared and using "mellome's" advice. The problem is I die way too much... usually from an "oh look there's the entire Horde clan... let's go say hi..." method of attack. For example in WSG I'm usuall 10 KB / 10 Deaths / 60+ KIA - The top guys are usually lower than me in damage and the stats I just listed except they only die 3 - 4 times and get a Flag or two so the out point me. If I died half as much I'd likely finsh top 5 much more often.

      My stats are 85 DW FDK 155k HP / almost 4400 Res / 22k ATK / ilvl 388 / Complete set of Season 11 Ruthless with all weapons and every stone slot stoned :) So I'm not under-geared.

      And I edited my EzFrost profile under Class Config and the DPS Rotation and removed Death Grip and repalced it with NS. Now dumbshit doesn't pull every gdamn thing to him on his first cast. Works much better.
      Last edited: Apr 24, 2012
    7. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      Hey, strange issue Im standing right in front of the honor-vendor but I still get this message in HB:

      "Could not find vendor: 'Blood Guard Zar'shi[46595]' blacklisting!"

      Attached Files:

    8. Shinugami

      Shinugami New Member

      Mar 1, 2012
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      I had the same problem. I made sure i had an empty slot in my bags and the error stops.
    9. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      I have lots of empty space in my bags, so it cant be about that.
    10. Shinugami

      Shinugami New Member

      Mar 1, 2012
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      Ok, the other thing I did was turn on find vendors automatically.

      Edit: for me when i get that error, it is when I have no normal bag spots empty (normal bag, not profession bag). I can recreate this error just by filling my backpack. Sorry my solution doesn't help your situation but atleast for me that is how I can create and solve that issue.
      Last edited: Apr 30, 2012
    11. Baki

      Baki New Member

      Dec 21, 2011
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      I have the same problem that the amputation... my char just stay there all the night trying to repair
    12. Toxic

      Toxic New Member

      Apr 23, 2012
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      I use it works fine for me, never had it crash, never had a problem.


      I also use Pvpsuite
    13. tumbum

      tumbum Active Member

      Mar 17, 2011
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      I think it Blackspoted the Vendor, so it cant repair. Got it too all over. Posted on several Threads but no Help, everytime the same shit, clear this, reinstall that and end of it, it happens again.
    14. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      sure kiddo, fish < . > big
    15. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      bg bot is a joke, and therefor the bots name is aswell.

      if your still running bg's on your bot other then on lazuraider or combatbot, you are pretty stupid.

      and av " safer " , sure.... join the bot train !

      i wonder from how many of those said being banned farming, botted bg during the day.

      you should prolly insert that question in the default template aswell, do you bot at night and use bgbuddy during the day!
    16. Shannon

      Shannon New Member

      Jan 15, 2012
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      I think you are starting out expecting to much. Honorbuddy for me works extreamly well. It tops dmg meters, returns flags, caps nodes, it just basically rape. This program is only as good as the person that sets it up. I use this program when im going to sleep. Instead of looking at the negative parts of the program look at the upside. Your working or asleep and its getting shit for you. NO matter how bad it is while its doing it you ARE STILL GETTING STUFF. NUff said.
    17. baj2k

      baj2k New Member

      Jan 24, 2010
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      Um... because those negative parts can get you banned... especially while you're napping...

      We were commenting on things that make HB look like an obvious "bot" when in BG's. All of us don't have your obvious Einsteinian aptitude for "setting up" HB I guess. And, as far as you always being "tops dmg meters, returns flags, caps nodes, it just basically rape<s>"... yah right... we're all having major issues and you're just slicing through BG's like a hot knife thru butter... yup, got it... ah-huh... <shakes head left and right while saying "yah, sure... I believe you> and I once caught a fish "this big..." <holds hands wide apart>. :cool:

      Why is it whenever someone says "nuff said" it never is? :confused:
    18. mithu

      mithu New Member

      Apr 5, 2012
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      Idk what your doign wrong, mine almost never does that. My HB tries to find "Biggest fight" or Follows biggest ally group. Try to use the PvP Suite plugin. Cause most BGs i dont even have most deaths (as Hunter thats almost fully Ruthless and Shaman that has 2 pvp peices). Try a different CC? Change Pull distance? etc etc. Fiddle with the setting to get it right. Thats prolly the only thing you really can do, or just stop using HB lol.
    19. baj2k

      baj2k New Member

      Jan 24, 2010
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      This is because you're using the PvP Suite. That plugin was a result of all of the complaining in this post. Yes, when I use that BG PvP plugin BG's work much better, but PvP Suite wasn't available when 90% of these issues were brought up here. Try a BG using only the standard tools that come with HB2 then you'll see what all the ruckus was about... apples and oranges my friend...
    20. Awol

      Awol New Member

      Jan 28, 2012
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      I hate to pile on. I use BGbuddy so I must not hate it all that much but there are a few things that absolutely drive me crazy. In addition to the items named above i'll summarize a the others.

      My toon will frequently dismount to attack and when the target moves out of range it will remount, move forward 2 steps and dismount again. On occasion it may mount/dismount 3 or more times before initiating an attack. (easy fix, stop dismounting at max range, or allow us to adjust the range)

      Targeting has and contributes to a lot of problems. Besides what has already been mentioned it won't allow you to loot insignias, it stops chasing a target that is near death if the target is runs far enough, even if it is possible to kill him. Shattering Throw is unusable because of BGbuddy switching targets mid cast. When Blade storm is active it sticks to an individual instead of a crowd. Smart players purposely walk out of their crowd and remove all of your AOE damage.

      My player will follow targets off steep cliffs to its death

      it will follow enemy players into throne rooms where NPCs will insta kill you.

      It doesnt use BG potions like Draught of war.

      It relies on a plugin for escape behaviors. (A plugin that doesn't work)


      Anyway enough of my complaints I have a few suggestions that I think might be easy fixes (meaning not complicated but potentially time consuming)

      Fix the unrandomness by adding 2 or 3 user selected behavior types. Think of it as BGbuddy A, B, C. So for example, when I log into BGbuddy I might decide that today I want to play defensively. This behavior will be nearly identical to normal BGbuddy only it will focus more on defense. I.e. protecting flags with < X friendlies in the area, recapping towers in AV, protecting allied flag carrier in WSG etc etc etc. Another option could be offensive behaviors. While another might be farming. These are just examples but the point is that by adding user selected behaviors that dictate the entire playing style you will reduce the odds that two players will do the exact same thing at the exact same time while also allowing the user a chance to dictate a style of play more appropriate for their class, spec, and gear.

      Mounting to walk very very short distances. Add a check into the bot. If it wants to move it must know where it wants to move to. If that distance is less than X make it walk. Or if that is to complicated just make it dismount closer to its target and reduce the likelihood that the target will move out of range.

      Add Draught of war potions and fully support trinket use

      Make it refuse to walk off high cliffs (it knows where they are) and blacklist thrown rooms until a boss has been initiated by someone else.

      add loot insignias within X range (when out of combat)


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