Tank0341, GME will work for both DW and 2H sense the specs are basically the same except for the respective weapon style talents. As for stacking... Reforge Mastery, haste is usless, gem strength & only match sockets if the gain is 20+, use two spell pen gems and the cape chant to get to 196 spell pen.
@Babydragon, Never take RIME, it is useless in PvP as you rarely use OB... Less your chasing Clothie's all day...
@Babydragon, I see you're using "LazyRaider v2.0.0", Please update to "LazyRaider v2.0.2", also if you are lagging out while in combat and don't want to drop your graphics you may want to consider dropping the FPS within Lazyraider's GUI to a more reasonable number for your computer. GME is full of "FrameLocks()" so the CC will only work as fast as your computer can process... Dropping your FPS will increase GME's performance. Edit: Just read a few more lines and see you're already at 30FPS... I doubt GME would give you any Lag issues at that FPS... Please check your Home and Game tolerance.
Vanliga fr?gor (FAQ) F?rkortningar F = Fr?ga S = Svar F) Hur anv?nder man den h?r CC:n? S) Ladda ner den nyaste versionen nedanf?r > Extrahera filen till din "CustomClasses" folder, denna folder ligger inom HonorBuddy direktivet (d?r ditt honorbuddy.exe befinner sig) > Klar! F) Hur anv?nder man en SVN (Apache Subversion)? S) L?s det andra inl?gget (av Kickazz006), klicka h?r f?r att tas till den. F) Hur anv?nder man "Stop Combat()" Macron? S) Skapa den f?ljande macron ("/script Manual= not Manual;") och bind den till ett kortkommando (antingen till exempel till en bokstav som "F" eller en siffra som "2", keybinds p? engelska d?) > Tryck en g?ng p? macron f?r att st?nga av GMEs "Combat()" funktion > Tryck ytterliggare en g?ng f?r att ?ter igen starta GMEs "Combat()" funktion F) Hur anv?nder man "vid knapp-tryckning" (On Key-Press) spellsen? S) Tryck p? en knapp > Klar! (Jag ?r inte s?ker p? om jag ska beh?lla detta i CC:n eller inte, eftersom anv?ndaren kan trycka p? knapparna utan den h?r funktionen ?nd?, vilket g?r den n?gorlunda obsolet) F) Hur bifogar jag en logg? S) L?s den f?ljande tr?den, klicka h?r f?r att tas till den. ------------------------------ There's a Swedish translation for ya', always nice to have. The pastie.org link contains the copy-n-paste code. #3952234 - Pastie Cheers, Megs
@Megser, Thank you for the translation! Not sure where I'd use it just yet, but as you said it's always good to have it then not. I wonder if it would be possible to translate the entirety of GME once the GUI is out... Would be nice to have different language variations for the non-English(US) client versions of HB.
@Community, GME revision 1.04 is now under private beta, this revision holds the GUI and will be tested in two parts, after which the GME beta will come to its close. I wish to thank the 30 (Give or take a few I had to kicked for no feedback...) for their dedication and help with this project! Now if I can get more peeps to vote on my next CC we'll really be cooking!
I just had a little play with the GUI and its very easy to use. sorry ive not been much help over past couple of days, just got out of hospital today and druged up on tramadol lol. Ill do the best I can to test this great work
He guy. Thanks for you CC. I have a problem. My characther dont move when he attack a player. What's the problem ? It's normal ? Thanks Sorry , my english is very bad , i dont speak english , i come from belgium ^^
As it is a LazyRaider cc it is not suposed to move for you. It is meant to do the combat rotation while you controll the movement. ps : i can explain in dutch if u want.
@Kastelz, As the above post says, None of my CC's move on thier own... My CC's are aimed at RBG's and Arena's, therefore movement is not implemented.
The CC is very good mate . Maybe you could implement an option to disable it from summoning a ghoul? Would prefer to pop it manually in tight spots when I need health. Cheers, Megs
@Megser & Community, The GUI is still under Beta but is coming along very well, I am just a little over my head with all the CC's I am trying to release, lol... Starting to think I may need a few minions to help me do these!
This profile suddenly stopped working for me? Everytime I hit a movement key it will say "MoveStop failed for Forward".. It would be awesome if it would pop Lichbourne and heal itself under a certain percentage too. Also, why is it randomly popping ghoul, instead of saving it for a death pact?