Anyone else having this ? Create new game, loots the first dead body within 5 yards from save point, vault forward, get back to starting save point location, vault couple times, run few yards? I wonder if it's with the sarkoth helper plugin not enabling fast enough or something, since it's not supposed to loot things before cellar ? Notice that this doesnt happen everytime, just from time to time and is giving 1-3s delays
it is not Radius issue. when you kill boss the gold is shot in the AIR and bot doesn see this gold as a lootable. he starts teleport and the gold drops to the ground and it is too late to pick it up. Sometimes ferrets can do that but items and gems are lost
Toon loots corpse then vaults and runs back to the corpse, after that everything works fine. Anyone with the same problem?
If you do not want to loot corpse change Code: <PickupLoot>True</PickupLoot> to Code: <PickupLoot>False</PickupLoot> in profile.
Seems like i had misunderstood this command, thank you for fixing the "loot corpse first then vault, run back again, and off it goes" problem. If i remember right i had sometime the problem of not looting at all on cellar, that's why i changed it.
is there ANY profile running smooth for some hours at the moment? Must not be sarkoth... Even a stable bot for queen runs would be nice.
Sometimes I notice the bot will backtrack at the very start when there is a cellar available. I am using your latest 1.3c profile. I have 47 disc. -edit I noticed it tries to loot that body at the start. Not sure why this is happening.
Currently running my own editted profile from using this one as a base. Is it possible to get my DH to shoot from further away? I've tried setting kill radius higher and had a look in the profile/DH cc files for range setting but cant seem to find it! Would idealy like my dh to stop just after the door and shoot from there if it can. Anyone know if its do-able? (i can change the movement co-ords in the profile easily, but dh still runs to close to sarkoth for my liking!)
What's your MS? Also, to not loot the corpse at the beginning, turn down the loot radius to 15 or so. With a decent +radius from gear, you shouldn't have any issues.