I bought the bot about a month ago. During this time it should have been possible for the devs to release a working chest/gather profile so people can try it and make their own advanced ones. But nothing is happening here. Why the hell are you developing a spacebot ??? Lucky`s is working like a charm. I made my own profiles back in Glider times but cant get a chest profile working here. I love Kicks work but his guides are no guides they are just plain code. So to make me not feel scammed plz tell me why the bot is not moving at all. View attachment 2012-07-02 16.21.txt
i see that it says moving to hotspot, but i don't know what the issue is exactly. What is it doing? just standing there? is it in combat? etc as far as your question about the spacebot ... we have more than 1 bot developer on this project. Apoc, Aevitas, and another developer who will go unnamed. Aevitas manages a lot of the common stuff, Apoc and the other developer make some of the harder stuff... and a mix in between Me and CNG (and other devs) are on WingIt I'm on pure development of profiles, CNG is adding in class quests that are needed for republic profiles atm The progress with this bot is a huge pain due to how the game is actually coded. Now - as far as you not feeling like you were scammed... you weren't, but you did buy the bot at a discount... for grinding and lock boxes. As we have not added in the questing fee yet (as you can see the full price is marked out). Now, everything will fall into place - just give it some time. As for your actual issue - let me know what is going on in game (combat, no combat, just sitting there, etc) and i'll pass this along to one of the bot devs
Hiho, I am sorry it might have sounded a bit upset. I was just hungry. No I feel better. Your lvling profiles are awesome work. Back to topic. It will not move at all.
[16:22:08.605 N] Loaded profile Republic Corellia Chest Farming is this your profile? or is it neo's or cng's? if neither, can you link the profile?
Hey kick that's my profile i even dumbed it down with less crap and its still just staying in one spot. Attached current profile.
Valen...That's the last name I wanted for all my characters for the past year and it was already taken on fatman for my legacy....