Whats ur average xp/h in level 60? I got a paladin and using 58-70 by Hawker botting a retribution paladin. I only got 33-34k/h going fkin slow, is it the mesh/profile or something else? I'm using Mord's cc with all the nescessary settings on.
I'm botting a 66 warrior right now using mixed AV and I'm averaging about 70k xp/hour. At 60 I believe I was around 50-60k xp/hour. Try turning on mixed AV, I know my experience gain almost doubles when I do.
Yep thats all that you need to do, it will auto que for battleground, and when it gets into one it will auto load the AV profile/mesh. Then once finished it will go back to farming and auto load that profile/mesh!
It will only increase the xp/hr if you win. Remember that. I got 60-65k/hr with my paladin from 58 to 68 killing needlers in zanga for fireflies No mixed mode since we lost every game at that bracket. Gear = anything that dropped and Autoequip used.