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  • [Act 2]Goblin Farm [Plugin] by Stove

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Stove, Jul 9, 2012.

    1. Stove

      Stove New Member

      Apr 10, 2012
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      Stoves Treasure Goblin Farmer [Plugin]
      This plugin is no longer public because of unforeseen consequences.
      First off, let me point out some important stuff.
      This plugin is made primarily for melee classes and is therefore not (yet?) tested on ranged classes. I've only tested it on my monk so I'd appreciate some error logs if anything unexpected should occur. I've just recently made this plugin run for 6+ hours so there might still be flaws.
      What it does:
      • Hunts treasure goblins in A2 Ancient Path
      • Runs to the start of the staircase and searches for any goblins (it will detect goblins further up the stars and navigate to them)
      • When it encounters special monsters it will run away and use the WP
      • Loots according to your loaded looting rules
      • Sticks to the damn goblin no matter how far he runs.
      • Best possible survivability against Jihad. Barbarian leaps and/or uses Ignore Pain. Monk uses Sereneity. Demon Hunter uses Caltrops. Rest of the classes does nothing yet!

      To do list:
      • Implement better logic when chasing goblin - e.g. use movement speed increasing spells if goblin.distance > x. (In Progress)
      • Implement situational logic when encountering Al Qaeda (explosive mobs). (DONE - more tweaks to come)
      • Fix stuck points in town. (Done)
      • Fix/implement proper goblin kill count for statistics. (Next up)
      • Optimize run time and overall farm. (In Progress)
      • Steal some of that sweet looting code Inrego made and implement it. (Done)
      • Detect bomb throwing mobs when TP'ing. (DONE)
      • GUI with settings (No ETA - due to vacations)
      • If you got more ideas for me to implement - let me know!

      Things to keep in mind

      As Termite says it is important to have in mind that this requires very good gear. Regarding all classes you need High DPS to prevent the goblin in escaping - pulling more mobs. Second, as a melee you will wan't to have a lot of defensive gear. As a monk i run with as much +dmg abilities as i can and high dex/defensive/MF gear. I've implemented movement increasing abilities for WD, Barb and Monk, though I don't recommend using Tempest rush as monk (you can test it out to see yourself). For now I've made it loot only items as the gold drops will be low with no GF - TODO in the future, add a GUI with settings for this and other stuff like - kill champions/rares.
      Get a templar to assist you. He will help block the goblin and mobs standing in your way.

      Note to self - clean up code.
      Recommended Builds:

      Survival Tactics vs. Al-Qaeda:
      I need some assistance in finding the best possible way to survive Jihad, so I can implement it into the plugin - use which abilities at which occasion? These are my suggestions - I'd like your ideas!
      [HR][/HR]Monk: When they are withing X range, use Serenity with 4 secs.
      Barb: When 3+ are withing X range, Leap to them with 300% armor - they are dead before the buff expires? (discuss)
      Ranged - To Be Continued!
      Thanks to Inrego for letting me snap some of his code (including some of his loot rules) and for giving good feedback.
      Credits to UREG for his great support with videos/SS/logs during my development.
      Last edited: Jul 26, 2012
    2. Stove

      Stove New Member

      Apr 10, 2012
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      I have stopped making this project public due to several cases. I am afraid that the outcome of this plugin will result in inflation in high ranking items on the auction house. As this plugin will run the goblin too smoth the same will happen to items as has happened with gold. There's simply too many who offers and too few who buys. Since I, and my close friends are using and will be using this plugin and this way of farming there's no positive site for me in sharing this as I will gain nothing. I will therefore make this plugin private. On a side note I have considered selling it once it becomes maxed in efficiency for every class and with fully integrated GUI settings.

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      Last edited: Jul 24, 2012
      UREG likes this.
    3. Gatecrasher

      Gatecrasher New Member

      Jun 21, 2012
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      can we get some test results no one seems to be posting any results yet.. I would love to see if this actually works and the specifics of gear/dps and specs needed. Be sure to list stats as a minimum for classes to have for basic knowledge and builds for your class that are currently working. I am excited for this but need to see if its even worth it.. those with more time than me, if you can test it and leave feedback thanks.!
    4. UREG

      UREG New Member

      Mar 19, 2010
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      I will be posting stats later with logs, but seems like Stove is already addressing all the issues that I have reported in the previous thread. Only thing I'm dying at the moment is if to exploding mobs and stalkers throwing fire at me while the bot is trying to teleport. Oh and when the plugin takes control of movement and chases the mobs it won't use your routines abilitys like charge or leap so you have to have really good gear if you want to kill goblin without too much hassle :)

      Running this with 2h barb with these stats:
      Armor: 5765
      All ress: ~950
      Life: 27340
      Damage: 58858 - Critical hit chance 25% Critical Hit Damage 296%
      Movement speed: +0%
      Magic Find: 198%

      Spec: Barbarian - Game Guide - Diablo III
    5. UREG

      UREG New Member

      Mar 19, 2010
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      And as soon as I get to post that it got stuck to stash - vendor route. Didn't get stuck with the 0.9.1 version and older DB

      Death/h: ~20
      Games /h: ~80

      [16:42:18.236 N] Number of games completed:13
      [16:42:18.238 N] Last run acquired -5758 gold.
      [16:42:18.238 N] Goblin found in 5/13 games, that's 38.5%.
      [16:42:18.238 N] This run with Goblin took 209.5 seconds.
      [16:42:18.238 N] Run with Goblin - Avg: 65.4s Min: 27.1s Max 209.5s. *Counts vendoring / stashing
      [16:42:18.238 N] Run without Goblin - Avg: 24s Min: 16.5s Max 45s.

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      Last edited: Jul 10, 2012
    6. UREG

      UREG New Member

      Mar 19, 2010
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      Some more statistics with some manual unstucking:

      Death/h: ~13
      Games/h: ~90

      [17:53:38.615 N] Number of games completed:113
      [17:53:38.616 N] Last run acquired 0 gold.
      [17:53:38.616 N] Goblin found in 39/113 games, that's 34.5%.
      [17:53:38.616 N] This run without Goblin took 17.8 seconds.
      [17:53:38.616 N] Run with Goblin - Avg: 47.8s Min: 18.2s Max 209.5s.
      [17:53:38.616 N] Run without Goblin - Avg: 26.5s Min: 2.9s Max 118.9s.
    7. Stove

      Stove New Member

      Apr 10, 2012
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      Updated to 1.2.0
      Last edited: Jul 10, 2012
    8. UREG

      UREG New Member

      Mar 19, 2010
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      Running 1.2.0 now will report back later with logs thnx for the update

      Edit: Vendoring working perfectly now
      Last edited: Jul 10, 2012
    9. Stove

      Stove New Member

      Apr 10, 2012
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      Thanks for your feedback UREG :)
    10. UREG

      UREG New Member

      Mar 19, 2010
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      Got stuck at the curvy road that leads to desolate sands when it found goblin and tried to move my char manually, but it kept running to the same spot and spamming goblin found. Also I found out that after unstuck restarts the bot it just stands at the base so I disabled unstuck.

      Got stuck here:

      Goblin was at:

      Edit: And with the new versions you should change the version name in cs file so you know if someone is using older version :D
      Edit2: Did fresh install on DB and plugin + profile to eliminate any possibility that updating db did something fishy

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      Last edited: Jul 10, 2012
    11. Stove

      Stove New Member

      Apr 10, 2012
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      Yeah, don't use Unstucker as my plugin won't detect game left if that happens - bugs. Use the old unstucker that will move your character if any. I'll look into that movement issue.
    12. wkyong

      wkyong New Member

      Jun 13, 2012
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      Hi Stove thanks for this profile and plugin!
      By any chance can you look at the char's attack? It isn't smooth (I'm using monk and the recommended build)
      I notice that it is attacking slower than other profiles. Is it because of some checks in place?
      For example:
      Char see mob
      Char check to see if there's any goblin
      Char Attack once
      Char check goblin again
      Char Attack twice.
    13. Lumpa

      Lumpa New Member

      Sep 19, 2010
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      I get tremendous fps-drops when running the plugin, and after about 10-15 sec I get disconnected aswell from the d3 server.
      Can't really figure out what causes it.

      System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         vid Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaPlayer.get_GoldPickUpRadius()
         vid Zeta.CommonBot.DefaultLootTargetingProvider.GetObjectsByWeight()
         vid Zeta.CommonBot.Targeting.Pulse()
         vid Zeta.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.()
      when disconnecting.
      Last edited: Jul 11, 2012
    14. UREG

      UREG New Member

      Mar 19, 2010
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      Running the 1.2.1 version with 173 DB (fixed the pathing from stash / vendor fom DB's side so shouldn't be any issues anymore) and http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonbuddy-forum/plugins/58061-plugin-profile-restarter.html At the moment it seems to be working really smoothly and restarts properly after getting stuck to teleport loop or to the stairs.

      Settings for the Profile Restarter plugin:
      Settings tab: All default values
      Options: Only have Restart game on unsuccesful unstuck and profile reset attempts, teleport before logging out, change profile when restarting game, teleport before restarting profile
      Scheduler: Load your goblin farm profile

      And here are some stats:
      [18:17:07.136 N] Number of games completed:68
      [18:17:07.137 N] Last run acquired 0 gold.
      [18:17:07.137 N] Goblin found in 20/68 games, that's 29.4%.
      [18:17:07.137 N] This run without Goblin took 16.8 seconds.
      [18:17:07.137 N] Run with Goblin - Avg: 40.5s Min: 19.2s Max 83.9s.
      [18:17:07.137 N] Run without Goblin - Avg: 28s Min: 8.7s Max 146.1s.

      Sorry for low amount of runs just woke up and there was a mainentance and even with this amount of runs I have one dps shield and two rare 950+ dps weapons so the drops seem really good today and with the extra plugin it seems to be running well even after restarts so it doesn't get stuck waiting for town portal or something else.

      Whole day without any interaction after using the plugin and seems to be working decently only dying to Deranged Fallens and sometimes missing goblin because of that:

      [22:32:38.507 N] Number of games completed:426
      [22:32:38.509 N] Last run acquired 3244 gold.
      [22:32:38.509 N] Goblin found in 112/426 games, that's 26.3%.
      [22:32:38.509 N] This run with Goblin took 59.3 seconds.
      [22:32:38.509 N] Run with Goblin - Avg: 45.4s Min: 19.2s Max 129.9s.
      [22:32:38.509 N] Run without Goblin - Avg: 27.8s Min: 2.1s Max 146.1s.
      Last edited: Jul 11, 2012
    15. Darkfade

      Darkfade New Member

      Jun 13, 2012
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      Hello there, and thanks for the awesome plugin :D

      i noticed a few things that could use a bit of improvement, the main one beeing that whenever the bot tryes to attack the goblin (or anything else for that matter) it seems to try and run all the way to the goblin and then attack, instead of using FoT teleport all the time. If it could just hold down left click on the goblin (i dont know much about how it works :D) it would just keep teleporting to the mob and kill it in very few seconds, instead of spending over 10 secs chasing :b

      Also noticed when using tempest rush, it spends all the spirit on normal mob encounters and just stands there idling till it dies. supposedly because it needs more spirit :p

      I'm not 100% sure if its a problem with the plugin or something on my end, but i used a clean install of newest DB (173) and only this plugin and same loot rules and profile. Running monk with a slightly modified version of the recomended build you supplied =)

      Anyway keep up the good job!
    16. Stove

      Stove New Member

      Apr 10, 2012
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      I need full logs to detect the problem. I'll look into that null reference though.

      The problem with doing this through only a profile (which is already one the forum) and with DB is that
      1. DB doesn't stick to the goblin if it runs too far away,
      2. It cannot hold down a mousebutton, so what my plugin does is (a) when goblin is within 15 yards do nothing, (b) when goblin is > 15 yards, move to it, (c) when goblin is 25> yards away, ignore other mobs and run to it.

      Another bummer is that i cannot check for my current amount of spirit/mana/fury/discipline, only health. So i can only detect if tempest rush is on your actionbar. So I recommend not using that - get a dmg improving spell instead :)

      I will also implement Leap/charge to barb soon.

      And maybe do a SS everytime a legendary drops? :)

      I'm online at a hotel atm and will be for the next 3 days before I arrive at my vacation destination, there I might look into a more advanced goblin spanking method. It also seems that with the new DB update it doesn't stick that well to the goblin, so I will probably have to find a method to stick to it. Currently I know of a way to spam Fist of Thunder at goblin position every Pulse (plugins run through action sequences at every pulse - 2-3 times a second), but I know no method to attack the mob itself (yet).

      I've just removed the code that moves to the goblin once engaged. Left is only the code that ignores other mobs and moves to the goblin if it is further than 20 yards away. I'd like some feedback on that :) Will test it myself in 3 days.
      View attachment GoblinFarmer v1.2.tst.cs
      Last edited: Jul 12, 2012
    17. andryo

      andryo New Member

      Jul 10, 2012
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      Insane plugin and profile, after all your fixing it now works flawless, I have yet to find it bugging after 6+ hours.

      Goblin found in 125/451 games, that's 27,7%.
      This run with Goblin took 38,6 seconds.
      Run with Goblin - Avg: 47,4s Min: 21,5s Max 226s.

      From my latest session.
      As far as farming gold/items in exchange for ?. This seems to be the best way to do it!

      Futhermore you don't bot nasty common bot places or obtain crazy amounts of gold pickup. This means your less likely to being spotted as a bot.
      Best fucking profile and plugin ever!
    18. Boom Fish

      Boom Fish Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      Anyone else find this really laggy when using it?
    19. UREG

      UREG New Member

      Mar 19, 2010
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      Still seems to get stuck to stairs if the goblin is at the upper part of the stairs with the latest version ( exactly the same place as it did on my screenshots ) altho I got it to run whole last night with restarter plugin.

      Edit: No lag atlest for me when I use it, but could it be that the process gets out of sync for some reason with the logging in / out / teleport and after that it would just need a DB restart because atm it's working great even if the goblin is at the upper part of the stairs

      Edit2: And as I was editing the post it got stuck first time after the relog.. I don't know why it doesn't like that goblin :(

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      Last edited: Jul 12, 2012
    20. eugenius

      eugenius New Member

      Jul 10, 2012
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      is it possible that we use the check point at the top of the stairs and run down the stairs?
      It would be faster that way I feel.

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