A note to developers of plugins, we do not allow closed source (compiled) releases, without source code provided. Please feel free to send your source code to one of the Buddy Team developers if you want your source code verified without public access. We take security here very seriously. Thanks!
isnt it possible to let the Buddyteam compile the sources and let them put it on a place where the developer could link to so the compiled stuff is also safe
^Inb4 mute, shouldn't post when you're upset. Just arrogant to talk to the developers of such a great program like that.
Fanboys, lol, I've been here since the first build of DB that was publicly released and I've never used any of their bots before. Just went for it and the bot has made me over $800. I'm not sure how this is fanboying, but you can rage all you want.
Sounds good, maybe have a form to upload it to the team? maybe have a organised libary for plugins and not just a thread on a fourm?
Excuse to complain, it's safer for everyone. You have the notion that some people are able to do? A person may think is safe, to help the community and can be otherwise. Well I think that to happen, and support to 100%. That's why I like this project and this team .. SECURITY!
This isn't something that's up for debate. Either post your projects with source code included (preferred) or if you somehow have something that really demands security (such as reloggers with certain encryption techniques to keep username/passwords safe), feel free to PM it to one of the developers here, or one of our support people, so they can forward it to us. We'll be happy to check your code and ensure its safe for the general public. We're not here to rain on your parade, we're here to protect our customers.
Stop bitching at each other and just get over it, thanks for DB team for making a great choice! You guys should be more happy that they're actually concerned about your security.