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  • For anyone on the fence about getting Honorbuddy, it is totally worth it!

    Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by beefsloth, Jul 16, 2012.

    1. beefsloth

      beefsloth New Member

      Jun 6, 2012
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      I'll make this short and simple. I was scared to bot, didn't want to get banned, since I would be botting on my main account. I read all the FAQS and learned a lot before starting out. Anyways, I successfully botted a worgen mage from 1-85 in 7days /played. I leveled a Human Paladin 1-85 in 8days /played. I fully pvp geared my Rogue who was legit in a few days. Once my Mage hit 85 I fully geared him up in a few days. Now I am currently working on gearing up my paladin.

      I bot 24/7 although a lot of the time I'm in my room anyways playing ps3 or pc, but often my girl wants to hang out so this bot really is a lifesaver. Whenever I leave home, I check my bot make sure it isn't stuck and is doing what its supposed too and than leave. Come back a few hours later and admittedly my character gained a few levels but got stuck for too long and I return to a "you've been disconnected" screen.

      I let my bot do its thing while I sleep/work or am busy. At first I thought that BGing would be the easiest way to get banned and it probably is, but I never once got the debuff on me from being reported, and thats probably because even if it plays shittily, my character still was able to whack something.

      TLDR: leveled mage 1-85 and fully honor geared him, leveled a paladin 1-85 and am currently gearing him with honor, fully geared my already leveled rogue in honor gear. Not one time did I see anyone suspiciously following me, only a few whispers that I was luckily enough to answer and a random group invite by a low level character for some reason. Basically, if you are thinking about getting HB2, do it, its worth every penny and questing/BGing will not get you caught. I even farmed uldum whiptail for a few hours but I knew to watch my pc when I did that.

      Thanks for reading, thank you kick for your awesome profiles and thanks to everyones plugin I used! HB2 is pretty damn good.
    2. Spookz101

      Spookz101 New Member

      May 21, 2012
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      nice to hear, when it comes to uldum i stay as far away from it as possible, better safe than sorry, also you wont be BGing as much when you see a line of 5 bots running the same line in BGs lolololol.
    3. derektraveller

      derektraveller New Member

      Jul 24, 2012
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      Hey nice success story, can you tell me which profiles, plugins and etc. you used to level 1-85 the Mage? And was it fully automatic? :)
    4. chtpm

      chtpm Member

      Nov 26, 2011
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      I would get stuck even if I did it manually from 1-85
    5. beefsloth

      beefsloth New Member

      Jun 6, 2012
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      When it comes to uldum farming herbs, I'm always at my computer and check the screen every ten or so minutes, my mounts fast and my server is pretty dead.

      To answer your questions, basically I used kicks profile on ally side pretty much the whole way to 85. once you pass level 60 the profile seems to have a lot more hiccups especially once you hit 80; so what I did was use the archaeology bot to level those last few levels, and a little pvp. The plugins I used were pretty basic, just Azenius, auto equip 2, refreshment detectment and than ultimate pvp suite 1.15 for the battlegrouds. For the custom class I used was Amplify W/arcane or frost spec.

      Was it completely fully automatic? Absolutely not, but for the most part yes indeed pretty much let it do its thing. The problem is a lot of times youll get stuck, and if you stay stuck for like 20 seconds it automatically disconnects you, to help keep you from getting caught by other players. Also, since I left my computer run pretty much 24/7, even with my great internet connection I have wireless so it D/C's sometimes. So basically, when I let it ran while I sleep it was a gamble, I could wake up leveled 7-15 levels or only 1 level and got D/Cd right after i went to bed with the monitor off haha.

      If you look at my new signature I have added a couple more decked out 85's to my arsenal since this post, though my newest a hunter was 80 through scroll of Resurrection.

      Hope this helps! Msg me anytime for tips etc. I hope you got it and if you haven't bought it yet MSG me ASAP bro, thats all I'm saying but youll want to hit me up. Peace, ill check this post laterzz
    6. riddelz

      riddelz New Member

      Mar 7, 2012
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      Always good to hear someone loving the product, but why the fuck do you have your actual toons names in your sig ? Took two seconds to find you on the armory and since Blizz and bot-haters tend to frequent these forums, might be in for a shock.
    7. beefsloth

      beefsloth New Member

      Jun 6, 2012
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      BTW: Everyone needs to know this, its simple and makes the leveling process SOOOO much faster. You can buy a chest Bind on Account from Justice points and a Weapon BoA from honor points. Than the coolest thing I just learned myself whilst leveling my new Lock is that once you hit honored with your guild rep, which is easy if you stay with the same guild from 1-85 and than do some dailies; you can buy a BoA helm for around 1500g, and a cape for around 1200g.
      SO IN TOTAL:
      Helm: +10% XP gain
      Cloak: +5% XP gain
      Chest: +10 XP gain
      Shoulders: +10 XP gain
      Weapon: no xp gain but best stats and dps until u hit cata content.
      so this amounts to...35% extra XP gain, but wait there's more! Your guild reward gives you an extra +10% if your guild doesn't blow. so 45% extra, it helps tremendously, especially with kick's profiles cause than that last level before each expansion starts you dont have to grind it out, cause you'll be ahead.

      I'm not sure if there are other BoA Items with + XP gains, but I do know you can get some trinkets that are BoA, IDK if they are XP gain or just stats on them.
      I only had the shoulders on my mage and it took 8 days /played, I have everything but trinkets on my Warlock and it'll probably hit 85 at 6 or less days /played crazy I know! :cool:
      Last edited: Aug 7, 2012
    8. beefsloth

      beefsloth New Member

      Jun 6, 2012
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      I thought about that actually, I figured that if I didn't name the server they'd have a hard time figuring it out since each of these names are taken by others as well, anyways just in case, I'll delete the names from the sigs. The upside is now you know I wasn't lying!

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