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    Discussion in 'Buddy Wing Support' started by coldIRONy, Jul 15, 2012.

    1. coldIRONy

      coldIRONy New Member

      Jun 9, 2012
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      I've bought the bot and i was promised a bot that could do dailys and some leveling.

      All that i have gotten is a bot that could level to level 12 and then decides to just enter and exit cover.

      I tested one of the dailies profiles, that one does not even move.

      And i know that i should resort to the thread witch these issues are related to, CCs in the WingIt thread for example.
      However i have found no help in this thread.

      Therefore i'm posting this thread to ask. What can this bot do? Because so far it has not been able to do anything very well.
      I'm asking for any kind of help you could present for me.

      //Regards coldIRONy
    2. in2fun

      in2fun New Member

      Sep 23, 2010
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      First off, I would say this is not a simple, login, click start bot.
      It does take some time, patience, and tinkering to make work.
      Down the road Im sure it will be a simple click start. But .. ya

      First. It goes off the profile. So say profile thinks your in one area it will try to go where it says. If in wrong area it will not take you to correct spot.
      So to begin with need to be in correct area when start.
      Other is, the profiles are being worked on, tweaked, corrected on a daily basis. One thing may not work today, will tomorrow.

      As is. The bot can quest, grind, level, repair, loot, kill, rez itself, gather mats (off ground, not mobs), no pvp, and space missions not done yet.

      If these are not working there is most likely a way to fix it. There are few very helpful people here that will take time to help.

      When ask for help, will need info like.
      Level of toon, class, planet on, what quest on when error happen, what profile using, detailed problem.
      Mesh problem, running in to walls.
      CC problem, waiting on cooldowns, not killing
      Profile problem, trying to enter red door, trying to go wrong way, trying to complete quest not completed.

      More info can give, better we can help.
      If just say "this bot sux! Not working" will just get ignored.

    3. coldIRONy

      coldIRONy New Member

      Jun 9, 2012
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      The things is i've posted these problems on the correct threads without getting any response. I understand that it could take some time to get a response.

      I've been botting for quiet a while so i know that this is not that simple. Although when it comes to this bot i have not gotten anything to work.

      I've not simply been posting : " My toon does not do anything" I have posted all the information that i belive is neccesary for someone to fix the problem or atleast give me a headsup on what might be wrong.
      The information givien has been based on previous posters that have had their issues resolved.

      I have not simply written "this bot sux! Not working" as you imply. Do not take me for a fool. I do know how botting works since i've been useing HB for quiet a while.

      The reson for this thread is because none of the profiles i've been using has worked. And i've payed 15$ for this and was promised a bot that, although was not finished, would be able to do some leveling and dailies. Which none of them has been fufilled.

      I hope you do understand my frustration since i do not want my investment to be in vain. I really do want it to work and i've tried without any luck.

      I hope that this thread could give me something constructive to move on with. If not, i will not take up any more of your time with this thread.

      Regards // coldIRONy
    4. in2fun

      in2fun New Member

      Sep 23, 2010
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      I highly appalogize. For I did not see your other post. Please forgive any thing said wrong.

      I would be glad to help ya.

      PM Me
    5. lotrodude

      lotrodude Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      I'm a paying customer, just like you. I have had some frustrations with the bot, just like you. My biggest issues were resolved by moving the bot from my old designated gamer computer (a dual core with 6 Gig Ram - that I discovered was too slow) and putting it on my newer computer (Core i7). My secondary issues (running into walls and trying to enter a red door) were solved by going back to the ship and getting an introductory quest off of the holo onboard the starship. Personally, I am very impressed with Buddy Wing. This is the first bot I have ever used that would actually pick up quests and complete them. I enjoy just watching it run as if it was a movie. :)
      Last edited: Jul 17, 2012
    6. coldIRONy

      coldIRONy New Member

      Jun 9, 2012
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      Hello lotrodude.

      I have spoken to in2fun and we have resolved these issues that i had.
      It is indeed as he says, i takes alot of tweaking or even waiting for the bot to get an update, in order for it to work.
      It was just that i had tried tow profiles, both with problems, so i started to wonder if the boten even worked at all.
      Now my bot seems to have a problem with playing the new patch, hoping that it will be fixed with an update, togheter with the sniper cover problem.
      I also agree with you, it's lovely to see the bot just running around doing everything flawlessly. I've been boting a Warrior 15-21 and it's been close to flawless, just some minor flaws.

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