I'm currently botting a warlock from 1 - (hopefully) 85. This Warlock is full heirloom equipped, so he will level faster than a non twinkgeared toon. But I can't really make use of that advantage since I'm using Kicks Profile which is just running the usual order of quests. So here is what came to my mind: Wouldn't it be great if your character stopped questing in e.g. Redrigde Mountains after achieving lvl 20 and then handed in all completet quests, abondoned the rest, hearthstoned into Stromwind accepted the next Hero's Call and started questing in Duskwood? And of course this would be possible as soon as a new area is avialable. So basicly you would just have to "fast forward" your Questing- Profile to the next area. Excuse me, if I'm overlooking something essential, since I'm not that deep into HonorBuddy yet, but as far as I can tell this should be doable. p.s. Hopefully my English didn't burn your eyes out of your skulls.
You can edit the profile with Notepad and change ignore checkpoints to false, and it will do basically what you just asked for.
Well, that was quite easy ^^ Excuse my noobieness, I'm only botting since yesterday Is this the right Line? <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckpoints="false" > I changed it and now my char stopped questing in in duskwood and headed over to Northern Stranglethorn, so it seems to work. thanks to heimsath and + rep.
Yay necroing old thread! I'm having problems with the kicks profiles right now, it's atm killing level 28 mobs and I'm level 32, the checkpoints does exist, but they're really rare and it's getting on my nerves, anything I as a botter can do with the profile to fix this? Haven't learned coding this shit yet ^^