Haters gon hate. Still silly they are reporting the botters that impact the server the least. When people are out doing the shuffle and driving Hypnotic dust down to 5g a stack.
Yea, well been seeing this for a long time and incase you want to know it there is 13+ druids (always druids on my server) that do it right now
perhaps you should remove the names ? not that they are mine, but i wouldn't appriciated anyone putting out a picture of my chars .. some people might get jelly and report the whole lot.. + i don't think anyone here would like it either ;D
It was posted on reddit and made wow frontpage, so a fair few players saw it and probably reported them.
Lol another 10 Palas on my realm xD i see loads of these random names I mean why not at least give half non dodge names. Anyway i guess they are making some decent amount of coin either way.