Fox Kit Farm profile by Dark_Evan HB2 usage only What does it do? Farm Baradin Fox for Fox kit in the western side of Tol Barad Peninsula. Who can do it? Horde only. Level 84+ - Level 85 toons are recommended and the more geared the better. Farming type: Grind Bot. Recommendation: - Mr.ItemRemover Plugin The file was tested for 1 hour before submitted, it's still has some problems moving between hotspots but it won't stop it from farming the mob. i'm still trying the profile so any notes are appreciated. Thank you
Thanks for the profile. Been using it for several hours, movement is just a bit buggy and it looks botlike. Twirls alot. Other than that it works perfect. Over 700 kills, still no fox.
for some reason this profile just stood in 1 area and kept mounting/dismounting for me. Any suggestions?
The toon looks sometimes a little bit.. dumb, but overall its okay. Costs me 3 hours of botting to get my fox.
I have the feeling that some people just intentionally put mistakes in their profiles so others get banned more easily.
no one else mentioned that problem, you're the first one and wasn't on purpose, when u find a problem u post it and let the makers fix or if u fixed it yourself great.
I'm having a similar problem, but it sounds like mine is more severe. It'll move back and forth between two hotspots about 3 meters away from each other until a fox spawns and breaks the cycle. There are several spots that seem to cause this. I will post a log later if you would like.
for me was working fine but after 3-4 days of farming ... and no pet i quit thinking that i want that crap pet