I ran into a problem with my isp. My dsl just looses sinc about 2 to 3 times a day. OF COURSE AT&T can't see any problems. You know they only make 1.2B a month so they don't have the money to fix anything. FING ASSHOLES anyway I need a relogger. I see there is one in the developers forms. Not sure about whats in there, do these things work or just test or ???? anyway I need something but even if I do it manually I noticed that HB freezes when wow looses connection anyway...is this normal?
Also looking for a working relogger. Bigsister, and buddystarter ? (cant remember) dont work. I have multiple accounts on the one battlenet account.
try this http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?5331-Beta-Relogger&highlight=relogger+beta keep in mind that its on beta phase
Ah thanks Tony! Last time i had checked the multi bnet accounts function wasn't available. Looks like it got updated.