I've been thinking on what would be the best way to lvl my accounts to 90. I have 4 accounts with all different classes. Let me know what your plans are.
Probably quest, like a normal person I like to see the content and enjoy myself, so that's definitely what I'm going to go with
Hand level main, then wait for HB to update and get some 85-90 questing profiles to level up my other 10+ toons.
Pretty much the same level my main then wait for some awesome questing profiles to come out from kick or someone els
There are a few ways I'm considering doing this, but then again I might just level a monk so I'm still undecided. First would be to level my tank and spam dungeons all the way to 90. Hopefully I can find some people as crazy as me that will stay online until they hit 90. The second option is to do a mixture of questing/dungeons and take my time. 3rd option, if it would work, would be to set hb going and let it do bgs until 90. I honestly don't care about the content.