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  • [Inferno][DH] Rakurai's Damned Fast Dank Cellar - no plugins!

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Rakurai, Aug 2, 2012.

    1. Rakurai

      Rakurai New Member

      Jul 28, 2012
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      EDIT: In case you're new or just haven't been paying attention, game creation limits are in effect now. This and other fast Sarkoth profiles won't work as well as they used to. You can play with your wait time between games and try to keep your games per hour down to a sane level (I hear that people are getting away with 45, but I can't say personally). You might be better off looking for a gold farming technique that makes longer runs. Either way, good luck to everyone! I will not be working on this profile anymore, and instead focusing on more human-like bots.

      Let me start off with 'why'. While I am anxiously awaiting my next paycheck to build a real bot machine, I am currently stuck using an old Pentium D that stutters hard with any of the Sarkoth scripts that require special plugins for use. Plus, keeping them updated, introducing new points of failure, etc, made me wonder why I needed that for running Dank Cellar on my DH. So, I tried out Camelot10's script, which was great, but relies on the DB combat routines to kill Sark, which is... tedious. Even with the generic script set up to use the skills that I use in this profile, it's still too random for effective killing with low DPS.

      So, here's my solution. I make no claims that I wrote everything in this script, it is just a modified version of Camelot10's, which in turn is a modified version of Carguy's. What I did is refine the walk to the cellar somewhat, and take some ideas from LATM's AutoIt DH script over on OwnedCore. Those guys deserve the real credit, all I did was patch it into a specialized DH profile.

      • Vaults for nearly every movement
      • Creates a safe zone on closed runs to prevent TP being interrupted
      • Uses 2 skills to kill Sarkoth and friends in under 1 second, with a measly 18K DPS
      • Low death rate. My DH has 7K hp and almost no resist, and is averaging 2 deaths per hour from randomly being slapped by a zombie in passing. No deaths from Sarkoth, he always dies before being able to move.

      Sorry about the choppiness of this video, D3 + DB + Fraps is awful on a Pentium D + HD4550. The vaulting is actually much smoother when my CPU isn't stressed, as well as that long looting pause at the end where it is trying to use my Giles plugin to figure out what to pick up. A faster machine will not have these problems.

      My stats on that run are 20K DPS, not using Sharpshooter, and using a 1204 DPS hellion crossbow that I bought for 650K. The crossbow is overkill, you could spend a lot less on one.


      • Set kill and loot radius to 0, they will be adjusted by the script. You could leave it alone, but the first run might be a little slow as the bot attacks everything on the way.
      • Use a good loot rule set, or even better, Giles Stash Replacer to avoid all the junk. Set it to not bother with piles of gold under 300, the ferrets should get everything most of the time even if you don't walk after gold at all. This is important, you can easily waste 3-4 seconds per run walking around grabbing garbage.

      Required Build:
      • Spike Trap - Scatter
      • Cluster Arrow - Loaded for Bear
      • Caltrops - recommend Hooked Spines or Torturous Ground
      • Companion - Ferret
      • Preparation - Invigoration
      • Vault - Rattling Roll is safer and tested with 40 discipline, switch to Tumble if you're running out
      • Perfectionist
      • Other two passives are optional if you're geared correctly. Use Sharpshooter and Archery if you need more DPS. Otherwise, whatever makes you happy. Tactical Advantage might give you a tiny speed boost while walking around looting.

      • Movement gear is NOT necessary, and probably makes no difference. All movement is vaulting.
      • IMPORTANT: The two attacks against Sarkoth and friends are Spike Trap and Cluster Arrow, both of which deal damaged based only on weapon damage. That means that attack speed will NOT help you, and will only mask your real 'per hit' damage. As an example, if you have a two handed weapon doing 1000 DPS and 1.0 attacks per second, that means you do 1000 per hit. If you have a 1000 DPS hand crossbow with 1.6 attacks per second, it is only doing 625 per hit.
      • Get a Hellion 2-handed Crossbow with 1100+ DPS (without IAS, or adjust). They can be had for a few hundred K on the auction house, which is peanuts compared to the speed in which you'll kill Sarkoth. This has been tested with 18K DPS using a crummy blue 1100 DPS Hellion, Sarkoth dies without having to revert to the DB combat routine. You could use Sharpshooter and Archery to get up to the required 18K, since all hits should be in the 1 second critical window.
      • Get some Gold Radius! You'll waste time walking around grabbing gold without it, the ferrets can't do everything.
      • Try to get +10 discipline on something, with it you can use Rattling Roll and avoid the random zombie smacks as you run for the cellar. In GF/MF gear my DH has 7K hp and almost no res, gets one shotted by everything, but still only gets 1 to 2 deaths per hour with Rattling Roll, compared to 7 or 8 with Tumble.

      • Up to you, I use enchantress with missile shield to help prevent quill beasts from hitting me on closed runs, but I haven't experimented. If you have one geared for MF/GF, by all means, tell us how it works.

      Combat Routine:
      • With this profile I am using Generic with everything disabled except Cluster Arrow. The reason is that while this profile will turn off combat radius for all but a few points in the run, there is a 1 second or so window between the game loading and the bot getting control. If you're using Belphegor, it will throw your ferrets and waste your discipline, which means you will probably miss a vault or two along the way and slow you down. I can think of two fixes: one, you run it with Generic and don't let it use ferrets. Two, you run with Belphegor or whatever you use and modify it to not use your ferrets. Or three, since the script is going to throw ferrets no matter whether the cellar is open or closed, you could choose to move the Preparation casting back by a vault or two and remove the ferrets from the script so they don't recast. If you do this, however, the ferrets will certainly ruin your critical hit chance if you're using Sharpshooter, sooo.... got a better idea? Post it and we'll work on it.

      DB version Compatibility:
      • Tested on 185 and 197, but it would probably work fine on earlier versions.

      Please let me know how it works for you! Since I'm running on a slow ass machine, I can't give real numbers on how fast it is compared to plugin scripts, but I can tell you that I increased my games per hour by 20% over the next competing "no plugin" script. If you could, please post your average games per hour and average wait between games if you try this out. Thanks!

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Aug 9, 2012
    2. 6poolswag

      6poolswag New Member

      Jun 21, 2012
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      Awesome stuff I'm going to test it out now. I'm pretty sure AGB is crashing my setup, so this will be amazing if it's actually fast and reliable.

      I'm using .197 with latest Giles Stash Replacer and it seems to be working.
    3. qztr

      qztr Active Member

      Mar 31, 2012
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      I'll try this, thanks for the release :>
    4. CALA

      CALA New Member

      Jun 15, 2012
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      trying this now. will get back later :)
    5. Rakurai

      Rakurai New Member

      Jul 28, 2012
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      I attached a video so people can see it in action.
    6. kamekazi

      kamekazi New Member

      Jul 19, 2012
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      Been using for ~10 runs with my DH.
      1. Doesn't use attack Traps, only did first run.. Other runs it just instantly throws 2 loaded bears and then vaults to sark = I die.
      2. When taking tp to town it uses Ferrets, places Traps and then tp's to town. If monsters within my kill radius (killradius 30 in your profile) comes at me it just stands there sometimes and I die.

      Anyone else experiencing this or what should I do?

      I'm using 197 with Giles Stash Replacer only + Belphegor routine (original version).

    7. Rakurai

      Rakurai New Member

      Jul 28, 2012
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      Are both vaults inside the cellar going off? Can you post a diagnostic log? Just a section from that run will do, so we can see what is happening. The traps target coordinates, so I'm not sure what could cause them not to fire.

      That's actually a feature, to prevent something wandering nearby from breaking the town portal. If you look in the script, it sets your kill radius to 10 right before it calls TP, you can feel free to increase it if its not working for you. I've found that 10 works as a last ditch point blank shot if they get past your ferrets, caltrops and spike traps. You are using caltrops, right? Which ones?

      Also, do you have a follower? That might help get you a little more time to TP out. I use enchantress with missile shield to prevent the quill beasts from hitting me, but that's probably not necessary if you prefer another.
    8. Rakurai

      Rakurai New Member

      Jul 28, 2012
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      I added a section about the combat routine and how it affects the script. If you're having problems with running out of disc, that may be the answer for you.
    9. hellarch

      hellarch New Member

      Jun 9, 2012
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      Pretty good profile, but sometimes it tp w/o the last vault after kill, could you help me fix it?

      BTW, I think summoning ferrets after entering the cellar should be better
      Last edited: Aug 3, 2012
    10. Rakurai

      Rakurai New Member

      Jul 28, 2012
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      The only reasons I can think of why it wouldn't do the last vault is if you're flat out of discipline, or you're in the wrong position and can't reach the target coordinates with a vault. If you're in the wrong position, then the 40 loot radius it sets might not reach the treasure... try increasing the kill radius after the last vault to 50 or higher and see if you at least walk over and get the treasure, then we'll at least narrow it to a problem with the vault.

      It does, it summons them right between the spike traps and the cluster arrows, which lets the ferrets reach Sarkoth to attack right when he starts exploding so they get the crit bonus from sharpshooter if you're using it. You're welcome to change it if you think it would work better summoning them earlier, let us know how it works!

      If your ferrets are being summoned too early, see the 'Combat Routines' section of the original post.
    11. dylan328

      dylan328 New Member

      Jul 31, 2012
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      man, what your gph?
    12. Evilsync

      Evilsync New Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      I'm getting 230k gph with:

      273% gf
      38 pur
      40k dps
      30k hp

      Pretty bad compared to my IB bots, but meh....nothing else works with demonbuddy - so congrats :)
    13. Rakurai

      Rakurai New Member

      Jul 28, 2012
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      Glad to hear some people are having (relative) luck with it. My GPH is actually pretty terrible because I only have 206% GF and my PC is slow as dirt, so I have a lot of loading time and some stuttering because DB itself is such a resource hog. I'll be building a new machine pretty soon and will be able to better figure out what kind of GPH is possible. Right now I am only bringing in about 250K per hour.

      Since GPH is so dependent on your GF and your loot rules, how about we use games per hour as a measure of the speed of a script? Then at least our stats will be comparable as long as they're not choked by a slow PC like mine. I can average 105 games per hour with this script, where I could only average 85 or so with the script it was based on, giving about an 18% improvement.
    14. Rakurai

      Rakurai New Member

      Jul 28, 2012
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      Just to check, are you killing Sarkoth and friends with the second shot of cluster arrow? Are there any points in the runs that seem slow to you? Your GPH seems a bit low for your stats if the script is running smoothly. What's your pause time between runs?
    15. Evilsync

      Evilsync New Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      Deaths are doing it for me, keep dying - alot.

      I've run this for a lot longer now - average is now around 150k gph.

      Around 60 games per hour, pause time is around 3-10s.

      Not sure how some people are doing 500+ gph with Sakorth runs, I think its impossible.
      Last edited: Aug 4, 2012
    16. xmegapatx

      xmegapatx New Member

      Jul 25, 2012
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      How do you have vault and companions? Also, it stops and teleports before it gets to the cellar A LOT. Not sure why and if anyone else has this problem..
    17. Rakurai

      Rakurai New Member

      Jul 28, 2012
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      Are you dying to random zombies as you are running for the cellar, or to Sarkoth, or when you're trying to TP?
    18. Evilsync

      Evilsync New Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      When trying to teleport, either when I need to repair at start and follower pulls, or when it checks in hte middle to see if dungeon has spawned and then 2 packs from either side converse on you while teleporting (can sometimes get away by dodging).

      Also finding it won't loot - is that profile related or the new update has screwed it up?
    19. Rakurai

      Rakurai New Member

      Jul 28, 2012
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      The cellar only spawns about 50% of the time, and the bot can see that its closed before you can. The teleporting after the 4th vault is normal.
    20. Rakurai

      Rakurai New Member

      Jul 28, 2012
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      Yeah, sometimes its just bad luck and you get in the middle of a bunch of mobs. You can try increasing the kill radius when it detects that the cellar is closed. I set it at 10 because it works for me, but setting it higher might be a little safer (if slower).

      I'm not sure, I would check your loot rules. I haven't tried the bot with 196 or above yet, because my accounts have been tied up leveling some new barbs. One will be done in a few hours, I'll get the new release and run Sark before bed and see what happens.

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