i dont get sarkoths bots on DB, autoits run much quicker and yield more gph. i dont see the point in running DB Sark runs unless of course DB figured out a way to avoid being banned but i dont think thats the case. i tried enough bots / scripts on Sarks to say that intime your account will eventually banned so you may as well run the fastest most gold producing one before it happens which autoits takes the cake.
This looks like it has some great potential. Going to try and modify this to a profile more suited to a higher dps DH as mine has about 44k before SS. First go at modifying or even looking at a profile for DB so let's hope I don't screw it up.
The advantage is probably in ISBoxer, since you can run more than one bot on the same OS, and at tiny resolutions to conserve CPU time. Sure, you can run a bunch of XP VMs at 800x600 and do AutoIt scripts in them, but its a lot harder to manage without some time writing scripts. The very fastest AutoIt script for Sarkoth that I've found has been LATM's script, which this profile is based on. This profile will at the very least run as fast as that one, and probably a bit faster since it can vault effectively instead of using smokescreen. Also, AutoIt scripts don't have nearly as nice of loot/stash/sell routines as DB, which slows them down a lot.
I've been looking all over for AGB, does anyone have it? I'd like to see how it stacks up against this profile, or maybe I can borrow some ideas if it is faster.
Let me know if you have any questions or need some testing, I can gear my DH for about 40k without SS, I just lose all my mfgf. Good luck!
Well here is my modified version. I admit I tailored it a lot to my own DH but I tried to keep others in mind. DPS: 44K pre SS GF: 327 with ferrets Routine: Generic Plugins: Giles Stash and WorldObject Didn't have much time for testing so I'd love you (and others!) to test it out Rakurai. I ran it about ~20 min and was getting about 325k - 350k GPH but I know that's a very small sample..... The one bug I still know about is that if the cellar isn't there and there are mobs around it won't TP and it won't kill said mobs. Going to work on that tomorrow unless you guys find something in the code while testing. Be gentle. This is my first time even clicking edit on a DB profile. Code: <Profile> <Name>Goblin's Dank Runs v1.0 by rgod14</Name> <GameParams quest="72095" step="51" act="A1" difficulty="Inferno" resumeFromSave="True" isPrivate="True" numGames="-1" /> <Order> <!-- We only want to vault straight to Cellar --> <ToggleTargeting questId="1" combat="True" looting="True" lootRadius="0" killRadius="0" /> <!--Vault 1--> <UsePower x="1990.316" y="2623.536" z="29.94242" questId="1" powerId="111215" /> <MoveTo questId="1" x="1990.316" y="2623.536" z="29.94242" pathPrecision="3" /> <!--Vault 2--> <UsePower x="1996.962" y="2589.192" z="27.09873" questId="1" powerId="111215" /> <MoveTo questId="1" x="1996.962" y="2589.192" z="27.09873" pathPrecision="3" /> <!--Vault 3--> <UsePower x="2019.214" y="2562.19" z="27.1" questId="1" powerId="111215" /> <MoveTo questId="1" x="2019.214" y="2562.19" z="27.1" pathPrecision="3" /> <!--Vault 4--> <UsePower x="2034.808" y="2541.074" z="27.1" questId="1" powerId="111215" /> <MoveTo questId="1" x="2034.808" y="2541.074" z="27.1" pathPrecision="3" /> <!-- NO CELLAR --> <If condition="ActorExistsAt(176007, 2059.629, 2478.667, 27.02374, 15)==False"> <!-- Attempt to look more human by killing mobs before TP --> <ToggleTargeting questId="1" killRadius="40" lootRadius="40" looting="True" combat="True"/> </If> <!-- YES CELLAR--> <If condition="ActorExistsAt(176007, 2059.629, 2478.667, 27.02374, 15)"> <!-- Vault 5 --> <UsePower x="2058.809" y="2517.405" z="27.1" questId="1" powerId="111215" /> <MoveTo questId="1" x="2058.809" y="2517.405" z="27.1" pathPrecision="3" /> <!-- Using Prep to recharge disc--> <UsePower questId="1" powerId="129212" /> <!-- Vault 6 --> <UsePower x="2076.984" y="2493.537" z="27.1" questId="1" powerId="111215" /> <MoveTo questId="1" x="2076.984" y="2493.537" z="27.1" pathPrecision="3" /> <!-- Vault 7 --> <UsePower x="2063.827" y="2469.698" z="27.1" questId="1" powerId="111215" /> <MoveTo questId="1" x="2063.827" y="2469.698" z="27.1" pathPrecision="3" /> <!-- Interact with cellar --> <UseObject questId="1" x="2075.159" y="2498.607" z="27.1" actorId="176007" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="106746" /> <!-- Avoid using skill too quickly after portal, won't go off --> <MoveTo questId="1" x="78" y="158" z="0.1000006" pathPrecision="3" /> <!-- Summon ferrets at start of cellar--> <UsePower questId="1" powerId="133695" /> <!-- Inside Vault (1)--> <UsePower x="108.9319" y="158.1653" z="0.1000006" questId="1" powerId="111215" /> <MoveTo questId="1" x="108.9319" y="158.1653" z="0.1000006" pathPrecision="3" /> <!-- Inside Vault (2)--> <UsePower x="119.5205" y="138.66" z="0.1000004" questId="1" powerId="111215" /> <MoveTo questId="1" x="119.5205" y="138.66" z="0.1000004" pathPrecision="10" /> <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="250" /> <!-- KEEEEL --> <UsePower questId="1" x="119.5204" y="98.65" z="0.1000004" powerId="129214" /> <UsePower questId="1" x="119.5205" y="98.66" z="0.1000004" powerId="129214" /> <!-- Walk to your loot as you're sprinkled with gooooooooold --> <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1000" /> <MoveTo questId="1" x="124.2957" y="103.41" z="0.1" pathPrecision="3" /> <!-- Turn on loot and get that legendary that might have dropped ;) --> <ToggleTargeting questId="1" killRadius="40" lootRadius="40" looting="True" combat="True"/> </If> <UseTownPortal questId="1" /> <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1000" /> <LeaveGame reason="Run finished." /> <WriteReport /> </Order> <KillMonsters>True</KillMonsters> <PickupLoot>True</PickupLoot> </Profile> View attachment Goblin's Dank Runs v1.0.xml Oh, and ignore my renaming of the profile. I was just messing around and decided on a lame title.
I am a devoted user of Giles Stash Replacer, but anything you like will work. Giles will save you trips to town and time spent pondering junk in your stash.
haha, relaxing and enjoying my break from gaming when I decide to do a quick lurk @ all the public dev places and see what kinda work is coming out. I see a familiar face and damn if he hasn't put out some good work. Great work man ! :] I signed up with you as my referral just to post this, not sure what that did, but hope it helps!
Thanks! I hope you don't mind me continuing your work, but I'll be damned if the combat routine you came up with isn't the fastest shit imaginable on a demon hunter.