I'm currently leveling a warlock up with kick's questing profiles but all of a sudden my char doesn't really fight propperly. I know this is a CC issue, or atleast I think it is. It worked fine untill up in the 50's, but now more often that not it either doesn't attack at all, or it pulls a taget with Hand og gul'dan and then stop doing anything. I tried Prince of Darkness CC and Zerfall. Does anyone have an idea of why this is happening? It looks like it doesn't get information fast enough, like it can all of a sudden try to unstuck, without ever being stuck. It also sometimes fights one mob just fine, and then the next one it just does nothing, seems completely random. I tried different profiles and CCs, did a clean install but nothing helped
Thank you for showing me the link to attach a log. I noticed. also while the bot is running that "Resetting checkpet timer - allow calls in at least 10 seconds." comes quiete often. But i don't know if its relevant
I just had a couple of hours run without too many problems, but now it started again, often it dies -> runs back and resses -> dies ... over and over
thank you for the reply Tony, I will give it another try, but im sad to say I have had this problem with Zerfall aswell :S
I have tried Zerfall now and i still have the problem. In the log i noticed a lot of messeges about a blacklisting plugin i installed, i deleted however and had another go. Same problem.
I am sorry about bumping, didn't mean to upset anyone. The problem seem to have been fixed, and was in fact the Blacklist plugin that was the problem. I was absolutely sure i removed it when i wrote i did, but it turns out i didn't remove it (i don't know.. mabye i dreamt i did) Thanks a lot for you help Tony, I really appericiate it