Hi guys, I guess everyone is familiar with the Queen run and there are many great profiles out there... This was something that I wanted to try out for sometime: making a profile that was really random in terms of path it takes and things that it does during the run. And yes... the profile is generated from a batch file (again.....zzz). I did some simple calculation based on the profile generator and it is possible to generate over 200k unique runs --> Note that certain portions of the runs may look the same, but they are in fact using different waypoints. This was meant to work together with my batch relogger onlyhttp://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonbuddy-forum/plugins/59441-batch-file-db_run-command-line-based-anti-crash-relogger.html Instructions 1. Place the contents of the zip file in the same location of your DB_Run batch file (Use DB_Run v2.2 only). 2. Under the configurations of DB_Run: set RANDOM_QUEEN=1 set RANDOM_QUEEN_BATCH_PATH=C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\RandomQueen.bat set RANDOM_QUEEN_XML_PATH=C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\RandomQueen.xml 3. Run DB_Run as you would normally and it will load the Random Queen generator. Experimental POC Only
seems a bit overkill, but an interesting concept nonetheless. wish db would just implement a way to have variable random profiles
This is awsome. Shouldn't it be trivial for the DB folks to add randomization functions to the profile tags? <rndWaitTimer minWait="1234" maxWait"3456" /> maybe something a randomw switch structure. <rndSwitch> <case value="1"> </case> ....... </rndSwitch>
it's not really "waits" we want randomized but the ability to have each waypoint be able to be set as variable. like variable pathprecision or something similar between x and x and have the profile generate those upon loading (or restarting) the profile each time
For sure about the waypoints, but waits need to be randomized as well. They can easily track the time between say teleport and leave game, or quest turn in and leave game and with random waits it's easy enough to make sure they don't get a 100% match. (Just to be clear why this is important is if they flag you and start profiling your account, if they see the delay between teleport and leave game is 50% of the time 2400 ms and 50% 3000 ms, that is good enough proof for a ban). I don't know what their threshold is but to be safe you would want the match to be lower than 25%). If you look at his batch file, he does randomize all the waits as well as the waypoints.
i'm not all that concerned about waits personally. i think that's a little overboard. however i do think db should increase the time between teleport to town and exit game. as i think that generates some of the popup error dialogs in game
Well, I suppose if you haven't had any bots banned, whatever you are doing is working, but just like the addition of the random wait before starting games they easily track that for leaving. If they see the wait is always 2000ms between teleport and leave, don't you think that is 100% proof of a bot? No way could a human get that kind of accuracy. In any case it's easy enough to allow random waits and all and doesn't complicate writing or maintaining profiles, so why not include it? I'd rather go overboard than get banned
Computer speeds and cpu loads etc effect these times. unless you are on a ssd and way overpowered machine and not botting a ton of diablo instances... but yeah i can see your point i just don't see it coming up as often as you might think.
i think random wait for teleport and exit game is a great idea, could also include random run to vendor to repair or to the stash etc.
I've been playing around with this today and put my own little twist on the randomization of some of the waypoints. What I noticed was that each of the spots were a few points near each other (not that there is anything wrong with that). So rather than do it that way, I captured a rectangular area at each of the spots and randomized them this way: ::Waypoint1 (spot just before the bridge) CALL :RANDOMIZER 1 30 SET rand4=%rand% CALL :RANDOMIZER 1 20 SET rand5=%rand% SET /a xval=2705+%rand4% SET /a yval=2851+%rand5% ECHO ^<MoveTo questId="1" x="%xval%" y="%yval%" z="11.41026" levelArea="1999503360" name="waypoint1" pathPrecision="10"/^> >> RandomQueen.xml The next thing I plan to add is to randomly choose between a few drastically different spots. I haven't used this with the batch reloader, but instead generated 5 runs and loaded them into profile restarter. I figure I will create 5 random runs each day, along with a few random ones for core and maybe some other spots and let the profile loader randomly choose between them.
Lol! Nice! Will try this out! I'm actually trying out on other profiles at the moment. Trying out a method to do the same thing by just feeding in the profile. that would be something cool
Running this while I sleep! Seems fantastic so far. still cant get the Random Profile batch to work so this will do for tonight! Thanks!