I have a bot account and a legit one... so i want to send the mats to lvl my blacksmith of my legit acct how i can do it safetly because i have all mats to max lvl it, i think if i send mail or trade f2f can it be suspiciuos how many stacks can i trade f2f with my legit acc? thanks sorry about the poor english!
u just sell it to ur legit account. very cheap. then use legit account put something in ah very suck but expensive. then have ur bot account buy it. or something like that.. i dunno. i woulda just trade f2f
f2f is fine but have the 2 toons join grp and have a small conversation about the mats. Like say you can COD all the mats you have if they are very cheap. Will look more legit. or use guild banks
I usually mix it a bit. Sometimes Ill trade f2f, sometimes mail and sometimes via guild bank. It really depends on my mood, lol!