Setup: running two accounts on one computer that are not linked except through a guildbank. What are the odds that both will get banned if one gets caught botting? 100% 50% 20% Thanks!
ip shouldn't matter. I think they mainly link account with info like name, address, payment. As long as that stuff is different they don't care about ip because you might be sharing the address with alot of people, such as a cafe, hotel, college campus, etc.
I keep my botting account under a different name and address and pay for it using game cards. I've had some botting accounts over the years banned but they've never also nailed my main, even when I used to dualbox them. (raid on my main account with bot running on window behind it)
Highly depends on the zone I guess... I've done stuff like same name, battlenet, address, same payment source (bank/creditcard), same pc, same guild, trading a lot of gold between eachother etc and never had more than 1 account banned apart from a detection banwave during glider's times.