Since ive been questing I see the day of grinding in your own little private area are now gone and you are exposed to more players while you quest. Because of that I get alot of buffs from other players. It would be cool to offer a random respose to that person that buffed. Maybe not dirrectly but in say or by slash commands. Maybe the user could input 10 differnt say messages like ty or thanks, or appriciate it. Whatever they decide. Or they can opt to /thank or /bow or whatever. Or a combination. This would be one more step in looking more human.
Isn't there an addon for this? It sounds like basic WoW functionality that could be achieved by an in-game addon.
Not sure an in-game mod could do it as I think selecting a player is classed as "automation" and thus against ToC. Would be nice though definitely!
sure, but not everyone uses addons. my wow is stripped down to nothing so I can run 20 instances on one computer. I would prefer HB do it for me, besides, that addon wont talk to the person. Oh and targeting another player while out of combat causes my wow to clear target since my CC is designed not to target other players.
Also, if you are a class that can buff, why not return the favor. They fort you, here have a kings after you thank them. Just an idea.
This will also lead to detection if you think about it. A person who is not buffed comes up to you. Buffs you. You buff him back and /bow. He clears buff. Buffs you, winse wash repeat. GMs will also attemt this and observe the reactions. Just something to think about. No reaction is not detectable. A reaction can be detected.
Yeah you would have to put together some kind of an ignore list and only buff people once. Other than BG's I would say the best approach out in the real world is ignoring people. The problem with auto response type situations is if the same person runs across you multiple times and realizes its an automated response. People who notice this stuff have a tendency to root you out. I'm not in disagreement for something like this, but I would refrain from talking to people with it. Throw a return buff or something and move on. Talking to people encourages conversation which is going to attract attention. I can just see the scenario of you buffing a noob and then having a follower because they want to group with you.
I see your point, however in building my questing profile I have trippled the number of group requests I have gotten. There really isnt a way around it. HB will need to adapt to these kind of situations or we will be seeing more banns.