Hello, I just wanted to ask how long the suspension will be if I trade gold to an RAF seller. Always permabann or just a 72h? I would like to trade only 15k to get some gametime for my mainacc.
Anything under 50K is safe to trade face to face. Anything above that should pass through the AH. Want to stay safe ? Do it all through the AH. Post a Cat Carrier or some other cheap pet on the AH for 15K and tell your customer to buy that.
My girlfriend bought game time for me for 15k and got perma banned. She has never botted, cheated, opened a ticket, sold gold and yet still smacked her with a perm. It all really depends if the GM you get got laid the night before or not.
Most people we deal with for raf time they been flaged by blizz then ever you trade you get ban I've been luck sine i trade with 3 account only one get baned i was able to get back. To do it right have a gild bank withdraw safer
Typically, when you "abuse the economy", you get a permaban, which if it is your first offense you may appeal successfully. Bans are typically handled in this fashion 72 Hour Bans Caused by a ticket by someone for any of the bellow reasons -Trade trolling -Being mean in LFD -Something politically incorrect -General complaints from other players -Something you did or said -Harassment -Any other form of annoying behavior -Systematic minor offenses -Griefing -Add ons reporting you, for example for mentioning the words "gold" and "sell" next to one another even if you don't sell gold. 1 Week Bans Caused by a ticket filed by someone against you for any of the following -Repeat offenses of any of the points in paragraph one will typically earn you a ban of 1 Week -Being rude to GM's -GM's having a rough day -Too many players have filed complaints against you about something -Ninjaing of loot in a random dungeon -Abuse of the economy -Successfully appealing a longer ban 2 Week Bans Reserved for severe violations of the rules. Typically issued before a permaban. Any of the bellow will give you such a ban. -Ninjaing loot in a raid, if you are a first time offender -Systematic, unrepentant violations of the things in paragraph one -Rude behavior towards the GM's -Wiping a raid on purpose -Unrepentant violations of all rules -Abuse of the economy -Successful appeal of a permaban 4 Week bans Reserved for special cases. Typically, after one or two 2 Week bans, it's a permaban.
from now on I will trade with my botacc. I traded 2 or 3 weeks ago. Don?t got any bann, so it won?t be a problem, right?