My first profile. Please comment and let me know what needs fixed so I can attempt to fix it. Level - 80 No Repair No Vendor No Mailbox Has Graveyard I would suggest a decent geared 80. I ran this on my Paladin with a gearscore of 4200. Half epic, half blues. Did just fine. I added all the elite giants to the profile since you're going to run into them anyways. If you have decent gear you can kill them with no problem. I didn't die once fighting them and ended up running into 2 of them. Also, I use the Tidybags addon for HB, it seems to turn the crystalized into Eternals for you. Here's a map that Dalees used on his forum.
Useless if you have gained rep with Sons of Hodir. Bot will only stay on the Lake - if you have rep with the Sons, the bot will just farm Brittle Revenants, nothing else.
to constructively correct izmael above, if you set the Sons of Hodir to "at war" in the reputations tabs, you can attack there peeps..
Where do I get this TidyBags addon you speak of. I have been looking for something that turns crystallized into eternal. Thanks.